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Heads up the italics mean that the present Namjoon's thoughts and the regular font is the actual story

September 12.

"Happy 18th birthday Joonie!" Jin said as he pecked my cheek. I was still sleepy since he woke me up earlier than I usually wake up.

Jin hyung and I consider it normal for us since we were little to show affection towards each other. Some hugs here, pecks on the cheek there and sometimes even if we felt like it we just cuddled on the couch watching tv. To Jin hyung it was just as brothers but to me.....it was a different story. If only he had know about my feeling for him back then.

"Mm....thank you Jinnie hyung but let me sleep...zzz" I said falling right back asleep pulling the blanket over my head.

"Come on Namjoon. You are always late for school but you are a young adult now so you have to wake up now." Jin said attempting to pull the blanket away from me.

"I don't want to hyung those guys will just make fun of me again and I don't feel like going through that on my birthday." I whined as I sat up crossing my arms and looking down sad.

I felt Jin's soft hands cups my face and I see him smiling "Come on Joonie I won't let that happen. Remember when we were little?" He said as he sat next to me on the bed putting his arm around me. "I promised you that I would always protect you. I have kept my word haven't I?" I looked at him and smiled cutely at him nodding.

"Okay then come on Joonie let's go mom is waiting in the car for us." I smiled and got up. Jin hyung took his shirt and shorts off and grabbing some clean clothes from his closet. I just stared in awe at his toned perfect boy.

He noticed my staring and smacked the back of my head. "I know I am worldwide handsome but you don't have to stare" He laughed. I threw a pillow at him and laughed at his reaction.

"How dare you disrespect this beautiful face?" He says trying to act all offended and sassy.

"What beautiful face you majesty?" I stuck my tongue out at him. We both laughed and even had a fun pillow fight against each other. Jin ended up winning as usual.

"Ha ha! Thou shall bow down to me peasant." Jin said all majestic like. I giggled and kneeled "I beg you deepest apology my great a beautiful highness."

He smiled "You may stand Sir Namjoon. I allow myself to forgive thee." We both laughed and finished getting ready.

I missed those times that we were happy and comfortable with each others company. I miss seeing him smile and laugh with me for our role plays and the fun times we shared....

So after we finished we hurried to our mothers car. Our mother of course was mad that we made her wait so long but she just smiled at us happily.

I guess she was just happy that she was able to see me smile even though I was going through such a tough time at school.

We got to a cafe and our mother dropped us off there since it was early to go to school "Have fun boy and Happy birthday my baby." I pouted at that statement "Mom I am a adult already I don't need you to baby me anymore."

She chuckled "You will always be my little babies in my eyes. Anyways I am off to work have a great time guys." We both waved goodbye to her and she drove off.

Jin grabbed my hand and took my inside the cafe. We sat down at a corner table and looked at the menus. Soon the waitress came to get our orders.

"What would you fine gentlemen like to drink today?" I could tell that she was trying extremely hard to seem seductive to both me and Jin hyung.

"I would like a caramel macchiato please." Jin hyung said smiling at the waitress. Of course Jin hyung would be to innocent to realize that bitches true intentions of pulling her maid uniform up so you could see that sluts thigh. I tried so hard not to glare at her. She nodded and turned to me. I ordered the same thing not even looking at her annoying face.

She left and it was a relief to me she did. "She was nice right Joonie?" Jin hyung asked looking at me with that cute smile of his.

"Yeah....she was something alright"

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