Update on Previous Chapter

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So, a couple days ago when my mom asked me what I wanted to do career-wise I let drop that I maybe wanted to be a Broadway actress. She had said that I could maybe get singing lessons. It turns out she was serious!

Now, we don't really have the funds at the moment, but once my dad's job starts to pick up and earn us more money, I might be able to get lessons for a half hour a week. 

I might be able to improve my voice and acting! I'll learn to sing on key, to sing louder, not rely on my head voice as much! I might be able to score the lead this year during the school play!

I'm still feeling a bit out of it, but this definitely helped and I'm really excited!

In other news the new episode of Doctor Who was amazing and I love Jodie Whittaker. She's really pretty and she's doing an amazing job as The Doctor. 

Sundays are always pretty chummy days if I'm being honest. Weekdays might be stressful, but at least I'm not sitting around with no motivation to do anything. I'm also rewatching David Tennant's doctor, because he was amazing, and is my favorite doctor as of now. Jodie might compete with him, or at least be a close second. I'm actually being The Thirteenth Doctor for Halloween. All the parts of my costume are in and I'm really excited. 

Fun Fact: I've never owned a pair of boots before and because of the costume (and my mom accidentally buying two different pairs) I have two pairs of boots! They're pretty nice, I might wear the second pair when it gets colder.

My mom also made me watch the first couple episodes of Gilmore Girls, and it's good I guess (It's actually really good, but I can't let my mom know that or she'll have succeeded)

I'm going to head to be now so that I'm not a zombie tomorrow morning.

Good night! Buh-Bye!

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