lil' Mcpricely Rant

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So, this isn't a thing I see often at all, but I just find it annoying.

When Conner gets angry at Kevin for not telling people they're together and being afraid to come out.

I get it in this one fic where Kevin blatantly lied to Conner about coming out to his parents, that's fine.

But when they just got together, and Kevin has a reputation as this dickhead playboy and is a millionaire, it is not right to say that Kevin is in the wrong for not coming out to a bunch of people who never in a million years would think that he's gay (All being rich themselves and being important figures). Conner was blatantly telling Kevin how happy he was that they were finally together, that he's been waiting for this for forever, and has seen him when he was still 100% a prick, knows that he has a mental illness, has had a rough past, that Kevin loves him, and that you haven't been together for a f*ckING WEEK YET!

And then the comments saying that "Kevin did this to himself", "He deserved that", and "You go Conner" don't help.

And the fic is so old that I feel anxious commenting on it.

I just want to say that Conner is nowhere near in the right, and that if anything Conner was being the selfish, egotistical prick here. 

Kevin was getting better, and you go and throw him back in a dark place just because he wasn't ready to come out yet!? You of ALL people should know how scary coming out can be, and the fear of people not accepting you!

If anyone knows what fic I'm talking about, I really like this fic and think that the writing and storyline is really good. I'm just especially annoyed at this one instance.

(Also Conner being all dramatic and being "Oh I despise you" "I can't stand the thought of being in your presence" "I need a break". They've been together for a week! I love Conner, but I really want to bitch slap some sense into him)


In other related-unrelated news, it's national coming out day! And get what I'm not doing!? Coming out. heh...

Got a youtube channel, but I'm sure a hell not linking it because the only thing on there is a cringey commercial I made for school, and the channel name is my name irl.

I had to make another email for it, and I'm sorry for the person on here with this name, but I snatched falsehetros because I'm unoriginal and couldn't think of anything else.

With all that said;


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