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Start writing your story

Tobi. Huh, you two didn't talk much, because of his girlfriend, Clocky I think is what they called her? I think Tobi was friends with BEN though, so he can't be too bad. You decided not to sit down and left the hatchet in your best friends hands Didn't want him trying to kill you... 

"Soo..." you asked Tobi, he seemed shy.

"Why don't you tell me about everyone? Since I'm new and all? I don't know too many people here," 

"Sure" he gave a soft reply. 

"You know BEN, Jeff, Hoodie, Masky, Ej, and Slender," 


"Ok so the one who looks like Slender but has Polka Dots on is Splendorman, he's ok. Just really hyper."

"The other one with the glasses who also looks like slender is Trendorman. He is a fashion person, he loves clothes, and between you and me is pretty gay." 

"Then the one with the fedora on and always flirting with every girl ever is Offenderman. Avoid Him at all cost. He doesn't understand boundaries." 

"The rest you will meet, but we don't have much time left. I will tell you more about them another time if you want>"

You replied with a soft "yeah" and then the door burst open. 

Creepypasta Lemons/Short Story ish???Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt