Chapter 2: The Concert

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It's Saturday night. Lexi and I are walking toward the bar Colten is playing in when my phone starts buzzing. It's a text from Mark.

"Hey, are you coming tonight, angel?"

I show Lexi and we giggle. If he's asking that must mean there is a little interest, right? He wants me to come.

"Walking in now." I send him just as we pushed open the door. 

Mark and Colten wave at us from a table near the bar. We walk over to them and they stand inviting us to sit down. Lexi sits next to Colten forcing me to sit next to Mark and they are on the outside.

"Wow angel! You really know how to clean up." Mark whispers as he hugs me.

"Stop gaping Mark, you might swallow a fly." Colten jokes.

We all laugh. Lexi smiles at me. I remember her advice from yesterday. I smile and act detached.

"Thanks. Have you been here a while?" I ask.

"Yeah, not too long." Mark answers.

"Mark came to help me set up." Colten answers rasing an eyebrow.

"Um... I'm going to get drinks; would you like anything ladies?" Mark says.

"Yeah, will you get me an Apple martini?" Lexi asks.

"Me too." I say.

Mark gets up to go and get drinks obviously annoyed with Colten.

"I am gonna go get ready with the band." Colten says as he gets up to leave us.

Mark walks back over with drinks in hand. He sits and we all talk about work for a bit. As silence and awkwardness begins to set in Lexi turns to me.

"Let's go dance." She says taking my hand.

Lexi and I love to dance. Even though I don't feel up to it at the moment, it probably will do me some good to unwind. We get on the dance floor and swing our hips to the music, even though the lyrics don't make any since. If truth be told, I could care less about the lyrics. I sway my hips from side to side whipping my hair around and laughing.

I watch Lexi as two tall guys walk toward us devouring us with their eyes. We make ample movements as we dance trying to keep the guys out of our sphere. You'd think it was impossible to dance without men trying to get too close.

"I'm going to dance with them, go make your move." Lexi says.

Brilliant, I'm left alone. I walk off the dance floor, and suddenly feel a large hand taking mine. Apparently, the big guy didn't get the message as I tried to walk away.

"I can't believe it." I complain and roll my eyes.

"Neither can I." The man says.

Hey, I know that voice! I turn and come face to face with Matt. He is wearing a close-fitting grey suit. Looks like A Kenneth Cole. I'm frustrated by the way this evening is going. I may as well have a little fun with this man that has taken an interest in me.

"Hiya doll face. So, no matter what you're doing you're always complaining."

"And no matter what you do your never polite." I scoff.

"Oh! Excuse me. I am neglecting my duties." He kisses my hand never breaking eye contact. "Pleasure to see you again Ana."

I pull away from him.

"If I may allow myself to say so, the one that is neglecting his duties is the one who dares leave such a charming young lady alone."

"Who says I came with anybody?"

When The Wrong One Loves You Right 1: A New LifeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ