chapter 10:grownass men don't drag their wives to work...

Start from the beginning

Amani winked. "Because I'm Amani..."

"Mmmh," Brian huffed. "Tell me more then..."

Amani flipped through the pages. "So she says spend as much time as possible together!"


Brian was having a therapeutic session with Debra, a patient, when Amani budged in without knocking.

"Hubby!" She screamed.

Brian was surprised. "Babe, what are you doing? I'm at work..."

Amani rolled her eyes and grinned, "Spend as much time as possible together!" She paused. "Remember?"

Brian growled. "This is work Amani..."

"Yea and we can work together," Amani winked at the patient. "Right?"

Debra just sighed, confused.


Amani was yawning as Debra was talking.

"Babe, is this the crap you listen to to make a living? Stupid stories by  stupid people expecting stupid answers?"

Debra was shocked by how rude and inconsiderate Amani was.

Brian tried to control Amani who was swinging in the chair.

"Debra, you should-" Brian was addressing Debra when Amani cut him off.

"No! Just leave your husband!" Amani cut in. "If he left you! Leave him too!"

Brian scowled at Amani.

"That  doesn't make sense! how can you leave a person when they've already left you?" Debra asked.

Amani grinned. "Simple! Just leave!"

Debra was confused. "What about our kids! Our home! Our family!"

Amani was enjoying this.  "Leave it all!"


Debra was seated at Daniel's posh office, waiting for him to come for the meeting she had arranged for. She was so angry and she looked very nervous clinging to her clutchbag and tapping her cheap high heels on the floor.

"Finally," She heaved a sigh when Daniel walked into the room.

"What's the problem?" Daniel asked sinking into the chair.

"I want another psychologist!" Debra demanded.
"Why? Isn't my son doing his job?"

"He is," Debra grumbled. "With his wife though!"



"You called for me?" Brian Poked his head in Daniel's office.

"Come in," Daniel mumbled.

Brian walked inside and grabbed a seat.

"You know why I called you here, right?"

Brian nodded.

"You are not a kid anymore Brian!" Said Daniel. "You're a grown ass man and grown ass men don't drag their wives to work!"

"I didn't!"

Daniel banged the table. "Confidentiality is a part of the ethical guidelines of psychologists. You know that, right?"

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