Chapter 10: Part 2

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Heyheyhey! So i know i didnt get 100 reads or one comment :( BUT my best friend tessa read the story and said it was really good. So im gunna count that as an unofficial official comment ;) BUT I STILL WANT AN ACTUAL COMMENT PLEASE!

okay me and my two friends looked into a actor for jason and im gunna ditch cody linely and most likely use chad murray because he is hot! Hehe

So banners and covers please! It really disgusts me to see that orange blob over there ------->

But i dont have time to make one so i need my readers and fans to please!

As always comment/vote/fan!

Thanks a bunch! Enjoy chapter 10 part 2 :)

Dedicated to you tessa for giving me the boost i needed to continue writing this! I love you to death and i dont know what i would do without you! Thanks for always being there when i need you! <3





Class was boring me like it always did. I couldnt focus on any of the math equations being vigorously scribbled on the board. My mind was elsewhere.

I couldnt get Vanessa out of my head. Everything about her drove me crazy. Those crystal blue eyes, her perfect smile, the way her hair flowed when she walked, and her spunky attitude. Well, the attitude was the worst thing about her. Usually i wouldnt mind a challenge since all the girls i have dated before were practically beg for a chance, but not vanessa. Hell, she doesnt even want to talk to me anymore. I dont think i did anything wrong, but who knows with girls. Shes just so closed off and recluse.

"Mr. Damino, can i go to the bathroom?" I blurt out needing to get out of this hell hole.

"Sure but when you come back make sure you are focused on math." He replied sternly obviously noticing my lack of attention to calculus.

"Gotcha." I said back already out of the classroom.

I didnt have any plans on going to the bathroom though. I was just going to wonder around the hallway for ten minutes until i got bored of that too and went back to math. My goal was just to kill more time so math wouldnt last as long.

I was wondering down the hallway peering into each classroom to see if any of my buds were there. I would ditch the rest of the day if i could find a pal to ditch with. I had no luck though. Every classroom was either lower classmen or advanced placement lessons and god knows my friends are way to stupid for anything more advanced than two plus two. Theyre jocks not the next albert einstein.

I kept walking around still hopeful i would find something to entertain me. I found something but not what i was looking for at all. I was walking past Vanessa's locker and i spotted her backpack lying in the middle of the hallway which was quite unusual for her to leave it there. I shrugged it off though thinking maybe she forgot to close her locker and someone kicked it there or something. It wasnt unusual for our school to be so classless and rude so i could expect them to do that. I decided to keep on walking.

It wasnt long though until i can upon something else out of place. It was vanessa's pocketbook about thirty feet from her backpack. I know that a girl just doesnt go leaving their pocketbook lying around. They guard that thing with their life. I knew ness wouldnt willingly leave that in the middle of the hallway! But my mind kept telling me it was nothing. She probably left her locker open and thats how this got here too. So i decided to just keep on walking.

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