Chapter 8:

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"Vanessa, John dinners ready!" My dad yelled from the kitchen followed by a lot of banging and cammotion.

"Coming!" I yelled back my stomach growling in anticipation.

My dad got off from work early tonight and was making a special dinner. John and i usually ordered out when my dad wasnt home. Our weekly dinners were pizza, chinese, mcdonalds, pizza, pasta, checkers, and more pizza. I didnt mind the junk though, it was filling and yummy, but it was nice to have a homemade meal every once in awhile. My dad said he was making my favorite food so i knew it was baked ziti. He was a great cook and his ziti was to die for.

"Hi hun. How was school today?" My dad asked spooning ziti onto our plates.

"It was good." I answered just like usual.

"Glad to hear." He responded placing the pan back on the stovetop.

He walked towards me and pulled me into a big bear hug giving me a nuggy with his right hand and holding my head still with his left.

"Ow!" I screamed jumping backwards in pain rubbing my head.

"What the hell? I barely touched you!" My dad yelled trying to assure me his intentions werent to hurt me.

"Yeah i know. I just hit my head earlier and it hurts." I said quietly.

"Come here. Let me see." My dad commanded softly.

"Its fine dad." I said assuringly.

"Vanessa. Come here now!" He yelled sounding very authoritative.

"Fine." I sighed walking towards my dad. He grabbed my head and moved my hair around to get a closer look.

"Damn vanessa! What the hell happened!" He dad yelled sounding very concerned.

I wasnt about to tell him i hit my head when some guy was about to rape me so i lied again but decided to come up with something other then me falling.

"The girl next to me opened her locker and the corner hit my head. The nurse said im fine though." I lied smoothly.

My dad let out a deep frustrated sigh. "Alright be careful next time. Sit and eat." He said sounding completely exhausted.

I felt bad for him. It must be hard being a newly single parent who works all day and has two teenagers to worry about. He has the right to be exhausted and worried all the time. He has the weight of the world on his shoulders and never seems to disappoint. Since my mom died, we have grown very close. He was the only thing i had to rely on and he became my rock through all the things that happened. Im glad something good came out of all the bad stuff.

When i had finished a second helping of my ziti i went back to my room to start my homework. I decided to start with english and get it over with. My assignment was to write a two page paper on how shakespeare was inspirational.

How is shakespeare inspirational? I figured i would make a list of all the ways he inspired people before starting the actual essay.

1. He inspired people into committing suicide when there was no logical way around a problem.

Lost and FoundOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz