Chapter 9

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Hey guys :3 so i didnt get to 100 reads last chapters :( so hopefully i will have 100 reads by the end of chapter 10! Can you guys make that happen for me?! :)

Okayy so comments below pleaseeee! Banners and covers are needed because that ---------------->

is lame!

Okiee dokiee enjoy!




To say jason and i got in a little trouble for our disrespectful outburst yesterday would be an understatement because we got in a lot of trouble. Apparently when mrs. Armando told us to get out, she meant leave and go to the office, not to leave and go go-karting. In our defense, she never said to go to the office which is so ironic that an english teacher would lack detail. Either way we got in a lot of trouble. For the next week jason and i got to come to school at 6 am to help the lunch ladies cook, and stay after until 5 to help with the elementary school day care. It all seemed like child labor to me, but the princepal said it was to "build character". Personally i think they are just to lazy to pay people to do it for them.

I wasnt looking foward to spending any extra time with jason. I would love to spend time with him if the circumstances were different but since they arent i dont want to be anywhere near him. I know he could win me over and force me to open up to him and i cant let him find a place in my heart because i would just wind up hurt again.

"Mr. Leroy! I dont want to spend anytime with jason. Is there anything i can do so i dont have to spend detention with him?" I screamed really hoping he would have an idea.

"Not my problem miss. Goldstone. You and him thought you were funny so you and him will serve the punishment." He replied stone faced.

I sighed inside and decided to take a different approach.

"Mr. Leroy you just dont understand what jason does to me. He pressures me to do things that i wouldnt usually do. Im a good student you know that. I have never gotten into trouble in the three years i have been in this school and the only reason i did this time was because of jason. Hes a bad influence sir. Please help me out." I pleaded playing the innocence card very well.

He let out a deep sigh and began to speak "vanessa we both know you are one of my best students and have never been a problem for me, but i cant let you get off easier than mr. Mahone when in all honesty what you did was worse." He cleared his throat and continued. "The punishment has been decided and thats the end of this discussion. Detention starts tomorrow morning. Dont be late."

I glared at him and grumbled in the back of my throat before getting up to leave. I spun around and looked at him before spatting out words that i would regret once again.

"You are damn right i am your best student but i have just become your worst nightmare."

I stormed into the hallway my temper boiling and raced to my locker wanting to just leave this school and never come back.

"Damn you are hot when you are mad." A voice called from behind me. I rolled my eyes and kept walking not wanting to be bothered talking to him. He was the reason i got in trouble, got detention, and felt so angry.

"Jason im not in the mood for your annoying flirting tactics." I said exasperation in my voice.

"So you are open for anyone elses flirting tactics cuz pretty boy aint here." The voice said and i shivered at its familiarity. I turned around and saw the same pig that attacked me a few days ago. Michael told me that his name was mark and he was the biggest dirtbag he has ever met. Apparently he had a reputation for stealing girls virginities and breaking their hearts. Sounds like a guy i will be avoiding at all costs.

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