"Yeah. We met....last week. At a convention for work," I drawed not wanting Terrance to know that this was the second time I would be communicating with this stranger. If he knew that I had never seen this guy before,  he would flip shit.

He had major trust issues, and allowing just any man around me set a tick off in his head, he had explained to me one day after a disaster date.

He said that he wouldn't let any harm come forth to me, over his dead body and I believed him.

Taking one final glance at me, Terrance left the room, closing the door behind him.

There, I was left in my own never ending thoughts. How long have I been out? The company couldn't possibly run its self! I needed to get there fast! No! I missed that important deal for fifteen percent profit of the company!

Not only that, I am sure that none of my family was aware that I had been enrolled into the hospital. Terrance respected my requests and privacy and me being me, I didn't want my family being called by any other person but myself.

A few knocks sounded at my door before a woman in a white lab coat entered the room.

Her blonde hair was slicked back in a ponytail, and her blue eyes were shielded by a pair of wire frame glasses.

She picked up my chart from the end of the bed, and skimmed through it before assualting me with questions.

"How are you feeling Ms. Finley? Is your leg feeling okay? Do you need anymore pain meds? Are you hungry?"

She ended her inquires with a bright smile, assuring myself that she was only meaning well. "Well I feel like crap. My leg is hurting like crazy and I wish I had a pint of whiskey right now to dows my pain and suffering. Am I hungry? I mean I could eat," I replied simply, shrugging my shoulders, or at least I thought I was.

The doctor's laughter filled the air as she stuck out her hand to introduce herself. "Hi, I am Doctor Robbinsdale and I can get all that arranged for you except the alcohol. We have a strict policy here--"

"Aww man," Everly interrupted somewhat upset, but she somewhat expected that response.

Just then, Terrance came into the room with a figure walking closely behind him. The man was taller than Terrance by about two inches, and he was carrying something in his hands as he approached me.

"This is Vincenio," Terrance greeted, his teeth clenched together. Vincenio waved shyly with his free hand as his other juggled an oversized teddy bear, a heartshaped box of chocolates, and a bouquet of roses.

How sweet.

"Could you all give us a moment please?" I asked the Doctor and T. T nodded slowly, making his way toward the door, and Doctor Robbinsdale quickly scribbled something on my chart before leaving.

When they both exited, I took the time to really look at Vincenio. He was a very tall, tan complected man, with short dark hair, and bright green eyes.

Light stubble traced his rather strong, angular jaw-line, and long lashes adorned his eyes. I could tell that he was rather muscular from the way his black thermal stretched across his muscles, and the low riding jeans he was wearing were hugging his legs oh so well.

I caught myself as I found my tongue gliding across my lips.

Get ahold of yourself! One part of my mind was shouting, but the other was purring in delight.

"These are for you," His rich accent rang as he passed the three objects over to me. A wide smile adorned my features as I cradled them in my lap.

"Thank you, that it so thoughtful of you," I replied.

He stood awkwardly, his hands shoved in his pockets.

"So, um, as you can see, I have brought my lawyer today..."

"Si," he replied in his native tongue. I found that so sexy. My heart was beginning to race again, and the room was becoming hotter than when Terrance was here.

Whats wrong with me? I wake up, and suddenly everything sparks a fire in my core.

"I would like to propose a deal. I want something from you that I will hold as colateral," I started, sucessfully sitting up. My hand patted at an empty space on the bed, encouraging Vincenio to sit.

He did, and turned his large stature so that he was facing me. "And that be?" His hands folded across his chest so swiftly that it had me swooning.

I gulped audibly. "Well I am trying for a child, and am not able to concieve with insemination. I want your sperm in exchange for your debt of this accident paid off," I said quickly, sticking to what I do best. Being blunt. There was no need to draw things out.

I had time to dream about this, and think about it for the entire amount of time I was out.

His brow rose in shock. "You want..." he drew out his sentence, probably wanting me to finish it for him.

"I want mind blowing sex until I could get pregnant. Can you fulfill my request? Because if not, I could tell the police that you caused this accident, and don't have an insurance policy at all...."

"You want me as lover?" He asked, disregarding my small speech.

"I'm sure that we will have a decent looking child--"

"I can not," he said standing up fast. He began pacing the length of the room, his black shoes sounding as he walked.

"I know that this is hard to take in, but we don't have much time. I will give you until tomorrow to make up your mind," she offered him.

If he were to agree with her terms, which she was positive that he would, they needed to start as soon as possible.

"So what will it be?"


        Edited by: Fire_heartt

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