Soon enough though, someone knocked on the penthouse door. I turned around to see the huge Othello sprawled out snoring like an elephant.

I snorted and made my way through the wide foyer - just before opening the door I looked at myself in the mirror to make sure I didn't look like an insane person.

Unfortunately, I seemed like I hadn't slept for at least two months - with bags under my eyes and dry lips.

Poor Othello who had to see this.

I licked my lips to wet them a bit and pulled the door open.

"Othello, Dark moon strikes again. The monarchy needs y-" the fiery red headed woman started alarmed by what she was saying, but she stopped dead in her tracks as her eyes grew wide probably startled to see me instead of her brother.

My lips parted in slight astonishment, still I didn't feel uneasy around her unlike yesterday. But she took my slight reaction in the wrong way since she slapped her hand on my mouth.

"Don't scream, I'm sorry about yesterday. You shouldn't have seen that. I can explain, I swear! No wait, maybe not now but some other time - b-but please don't say a word to my brother! He'll kill me! Not literally but like-" I bit her hand hard to stop her rambling making her jump about whilst shaking her hand vigorously.

She glared at me with her red-blue eyes, simultaneously letting out a low growl.

"You're doing it again." I pointed at her face.

She immediately lowered her head as she inhaled and exhaled slowly - trying to calm herself down and get back to her normal state.

What the hell is wrong with her? How does she change her eye colour instantly like that? Is it a new type of disease? My curiosity overpowered anything else at that moment - you can say I'm a very curious person.

Curiosity killed the cat, Aurnia.

And satisfaction brought it back so leave me alone.

After a few minutes she composed herself and gave me an apologetic smile.

Nyla was such a beautiful woman - besides her colour changing ability, she had that powerful aura which surrounded her. An aura so strong it pulled anyone to her and made them have no other choice than to admire her and like her.

Even though it was friendly and powerful, it gave off a superior and dangerous vide - which both siblings shared.

"I didn't say anything to your brother, but I would like to understand your peculiar ability." I opened the door wider for her to step in.

Nyla hesitated for a few moments, looking unsure about revealing her secret to me.

"Or...I could just wake Othello up and we can discuss this as a fa-" I did not even finish my sentence when she rushed in and dragged me to one of the rooms in the penthouse.

How many rooms does this penthouse have for god's sake?!

It contained an ebony desk with an office chair tucked into the desk on one end of the room and on the other another red chesterfield couch laid. It was a very minimalistic and clean office - only a few documents were placed on the desk along with some pens. Two huge shelves filled with folders stood behind the dark desk - every piece of furniture contrasting with the pale blue walls.

Nyla quickly pushed me down onto the couch whilst she paced back and forth in front of me, biting her nails.

She abruptly stopped and looked at me straight in the eyes - I could detect uncertain determination so that foretold something big and strange.

"What I'm going to say today is going to be a lot and must never leave this room." She talked slowly as if I was a child - then she sat next to me and roughly, near painfully grabbed my hand.


Okay so first of all...

I really really hope you like this chapter!

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Anyway love y'all.

Till next update!


Years To Luna [#1 Gifted Luna Series] Where stories live. Discover now