"Where are you hanging out so much? You're nearly never home." They pressed.

"I've been busy studying for exams." That wasn't a lie.

Happily they didn't continue interrogating me too much although I knew they didn't buy it.

I don't get why they were so curious.


The day was spent in front of the TV, watching a Christmas movie together. It was a great way to get my mind off things.

I was holding a Pepsi in my hand whilst laying on my bed and listening to music. It was already the end of the day, I couldn't believe how fast it flew by. Somehow I managed to spend the whole day without thinking about Max and why I didn't see him during the last week of exams, and why when I finally saw him at Cathy's he was so distant and weird. I didn't expect him to go jump in my arms happily because he missed me but he didn't even really say hi.

And then I couldn't believe what happened after..

Alexa's PoV (past)

I was happy to go to Cathy's for a sleepover as a way to celebrate finishing exams.

What I didn't expect was for Max to be there.

I felt his presence before I saw him, the same tingling sensation I feel every time I'm around him.

I didn't really hear what Cathy was arguing with her brother about because I was so busy thinking about how I didn't see Max at all at school the past few days. He hadn't replied to my mind link either, even though this time he didn't block me.

The worst was that I was haunted by the idea of him marking me. Was it the bond driving me crazy?

To stop the argument from going further I stopped them mid glare. "It's fine, we'll be in Cathy's room anyways."

Cathy dragged me up the stairs and away from them.

"What's going on, I saw the way you were looking at him?" She asked me.

I hadn't even realized how long I'd been staring until she mentioned it. I tried to hide my embarrassment. "What do you mean?"

But there was no fooling Cathy. "Wait, don't tell me you like my brother's best friend? Omg this is like in my book!" She started squealing so loudly I was scared the boys would overhear us. She liked to read as much as I did so I wasn't surprised that she would come to that conclusion so quickly.

"Cathy, you're brother has many best friends. I don't know who you're talking about." I tried to deny it. And obviously failed.

"But you only like one." She teased.

Heat rose to my cheeks. "Shut up."


I went down stairs wanting to get a Pepsi because there was something about that drink that was just amazing.

When my feet reached the cold tiled floor I saw his shadow by the fridge. Now that we were alone I felt like I should talk to him, but yet my mouth couldn't form the words.

He finally turned around, my eyes meeting his icy blue one.

Seing him made my heart race, even though those unfamiliar feelings that invaded my heart were new to me and weird.

"Um hey." He said.

"Hi." My voice came out barely a whisper.

I felt nervous alone with him right now, so I went to get a Pepsi from the fridge. My eyes darted everywhere apart from him because I was afraid of the butterflies I got every time I looked at him. It got worse after I nearly kissed him in the library, again.

In the Moonlight [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now