You're such a fuckboy, I thought.

Michael skipped Luke and shouted into his mic, "I'm Jack Black."

"I was gonna say that," Luke sighed. "I'm Luke."

All together they said, "And we're the School of Rock."

I rolled my eyes. They're so stupid.

Right off of the bat they started playing Eighteen; one of my top three favorites off of the album. As I watched the band jam out, my nervousness melted away. Although, in the back of my mind I knew that sooner or later I'd be up on that stage with them.

The second song they played was Out of My Limit. The sound of the first guitar chord instantly made me start to bawl. Just watching the video made me cry and hearing it live was 100 times more damaging. The way Michael's fingers danced around the strings on the guitar made all of the girls scream.

The third song was Disconnected. I could hear Calum's bass tune and immediately felt lightheaded. Damn, he was good at making girls swoon, wasn't he?

The entire crowd sang the chorus as loud as they possibly could. I could hardly breath after the song. I was so happy. This was the happiest I'd been in years.

* * * * * *

It was time. Time for Heartbreak Girl. Just a minute ago, an enormous man came up to me and escorted me backstage. His chest was puffed out, like he was purposely trying to make himself look even larger. He was like a pufferfish. Or a penguin.

My nerves were really starting to kick into gear now. I was shaking so much the security guard asked if I was cold. I was totally not ready. How could I be? I was going onstage, in front of thousands of people, and singing with the people I've been obsessing over for so long. Just twenty-four hours ago I didn't even have proof that 5sos were even real people.

"Alright, young lady," the guard said. "You are going to go up there. Right up to Luke." He pointed to the blonde who was spinning onstage during his guitar solo.

Hell no. I can't do this, I thought to myself. I couldn't think straight.

The guard continued, "And you're going to sing your big ass heart out, Alright?" He smiled.

I smiled back. Taking another deep breath I replied, "Okay."

"Alright. Let's get this show on the road." The man guided me up a few stairs and down a hallway. "Alright. Here it is. Just up there is the stage."

Oh my god, will you just stop saying 'alright' already? I thought, annoyed.

Tears poked at my eyes.

Stupid nerves. No, Bea, you're not going to cry again! You're going to end up embarrassing yourself out there and nobody is going to be happy!

The guard gave me a signal to walk onto the stage. I looked forward and tried to step forward but didn't move. I was frozen. Turning back to the guard, my eyebrows raised and my eyes looked at my feet. The man rolled his eyes and pushed me off like someone teaching a first grader to ride a bike without training wheels.

"Now guys, please welcome our special guest this evening," Ashton began to announce.

He could see me from his drum set. I hope he couldn't tell I was nervous. Once he saw me he smiled, making my anxiousness dial down about 0.1%. His smile really did help, though. It completely lite up the entire arena.

Luke could see me as well and gestured for me to walk up to him. Obeying him, my legs became shaky once again.

"Hi," Michael said energetically, walking right up to me. His hair was an off-white color. Thank goodness he was taking a break from dying it.

"H-hi." I was choking up. How was I going to be able to sing with them if I can't even greet myself? The good news was that everything but the stage was black because of the lights. I couldn't see anyone in the crowd except some fans in The Pit.

"What's your name?" Luke asked into the mic.

Michael put his mic up to my mouth. "I'm Bea," I responded.

All of the guys were so tall. I'm only 5'3" so they all towered over me. I felt like a kindergartener at a NBA national championship. Luke looked good from every angle. Even when he was looking straight ahead and I could see his face from an angle of a four year old looking up at their father, Luke looked hot. In that moment I wanted to hug him and kiss him and hit him with a shovel all at once.

"You and I are gonna share this mic and you can sing my parts with me. Sound good?" Luke explained.

That mic is literally taller than I am, I thought.

"Sounds awesome," I answered nonchalantly.

Luke nodded and started to play Heartbreak Girl. The crowd immediately started to cheer. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

Oh god, I thought to myself. My heart started to race again and my palms were so damp from sweat you could see it glistening in the lights. This is the end of me. I'm gonna die right here. There gonna write on my gravestone 'Here lies Beatrice Marshall, she couldn't handle a single performance of Heartbreak Girl'.

Calum began to sing.

When it was me and Luke's turn Luke stopped mid lyric and let me sing alone. "... you say thanks for being a friend."

I've always loved performing, even though it made me so anxious. Acting and singing and practically anything of that sort was really interesting for me. Even writing intrigued me. The way people express themselves through those things have always fascinated me. Those things were a big part of my life. They were with me through the good times and the bad.

Luke was smiling. Seeing him happy made me just as smiley as he was.

I could feel my cheeks heating up, blushing. I can't believe this is happening.

As the song went on Luke and I were smiling like lunatics. We were sharing a microphone and didn't take an eye off of each other. When Heartbreak Girl ended, me and him held hands and bowed.

Luke guided me off of the stage and back to the security guard. The guard quickly walked me back to my spot in The Pit and I was back to jamming in no time.

"How about a round of applause for the extremely talented, Bea!" Luke clapped his hands. Everybody joined in and started cheering.

I couldn't stop smiling. If someone told to me to stop otherwise someone would kill me, I'd be as dead as a door nail.

Luke spotted me in the crowd and smiled bright.

Nothing could've possibly ruined that day.

Absolutely nothing.


(August 2015) Finally 5sos are in the story! So basically Lukie over here already has a crush on the random fan and Bea is extremely happy.

I know I say this every chapter, but I hope this isn't too boring. thank you for reading.

wattpad is being stupid and keeps saying I have no internet connection so if this doesn't get saved it's because I've smashed my laptop into millions of teeny tiny pieces and killed myself out of frustration.

I've rewritten this chapter over 3 times. x

(April 2015) AHH. I'm updating after almost two months of nothing. Sorry guys, I've just been so lazy lately. I'm on spring break now so that's super bomb. I really hope you guys like the first person pov better than the third person because that was a catastrophy. Thank you for reading! I love you guysss.

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