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After hours of working on financial papers for the business, I become mentally exhausted. Of course, she notices and tells me I should go home and get some rest. So, we do. I leave the office and go to my car. When I get to my apartment I am so tired I lay down on the couch and fall asleep on my couch and I don't wake up until ten in the morning. Shit, I have a meeting today too!

I wake up with a sore back and when I realize that I slept in the same suit I was in all day yesterday I am disgusted and decide to take a shower. Then I decided it would be best to get to my office. I don't want my new partner waiting for me. Wait...What do I care what she thinks about me? She is just a dumb little girl and I shouldn't care what she thinks of me and I shouldn't care if she feels welcome or not! 

I get to my building and I walk in, and yet again I am hit with this flash of memories. All of them having to do with Alice. I shake my head pressing the "up" button for the elevator. I walk into my office and Sammy is there sitting in my chair, her head laying on my desk. She didn't leave? I must have been so tired that I thought she left, but she really didn't. I walk over to her and I notice all the papers that she is laying on top of are all the financial papers that we didn't get finished. Great so I leave and she stays here decided to get in MY chair and sleep in MY office who does this girl think she is? 

"Umm...Were... are you watching me sleep?" She asks just staring at me.

"What!?! That is an idea only a little girl would come up with," I say and pick her up.

She squirms and yells, "PUT ME DOWN NOW!"

I set her down in a chair and walk over to my desk ignore all the mean words that no little girl should know. I sit in my chair and I can't help but notice that this area smells like her and its almost...conforting. What am I saying?! Dumb brain coming up with dumb thoughts! I start to organize all the papers and that's when I realize that she was working on them all night. Almost all the pages are done and only a couple of them aren't completed. I put all the papers in a pile and I look up at her. "Did you do all of this overnight?"

"W-well...you seemed stressed and I just wanted to help you out. So, I sent you home and then I continued working on them, although, I didn't finish them all..." 

"Stupid," I say abruptly. Why would she do something like this when I have just mean to her this whole time? She really isn't that smart. 

She stares at me and she looks really angry. "What!? I help you out and stay extra hours and that is the thanks that I get!?!"

I stare back at her with my same expressionless face and go to walk out, "I'll go get you a coffee."

I walk completely out of the room and go to the lounge where I know there must be some type of vending machine. I find all the vending machines and there are so many coffees to choose from. What the hell!? Why so many!? Well, black? No...she seems like she would like coffee overly sweet. Why am I making such a big deal over this!?! She really is a troublesome girl. While I am putting my money into the machine I get a message then I pick the sweet coffee. I pull out my phone and look at who sent the message before I read it. Leo. Shit. This mean...oh that's just great! I read the message and sure enough, it was about what I feared it would be about. "Hey, so, I just found out that you are back to work. Anyway, there is this party that I will be needing you and your partner to attend and you must go because there is an important associate that you will be needing to get to know." Ugh...fine. After I read the message I go back to my office and hand it to her. I sit down in my chair and I start to look over the paperwork my partner did. I am rather...impressed. That's when my secretary opens the door. 

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