"Thanks, we're still on for game night next week right?" Pidge asks "You don't have to work?"

"Nope, I get the night off." I reply

A customer walks up to the cash register and Pidge and I quickly say our goodbyes. I turn to the customer and my stomach sinks, the kind of sinking when you know something is about to happen. The customer is a middle aged man, probably an alpha, maybe a beta.

"Hello sir, how can I help you?" I ask

"Where's that beta who was working?" He asks

"Her shift ended, what would you like?" I reply

"Isn't there anyone else to work, I don't want to be served by an omega." He scowls "You shouldn't even have a job, who would hire an omega?"

"Sir if you're not going to order the please stop holding up the line." I say, noticing the people lining up behind him

"Don't tell me what to do omega." He spits "Find someone else to serve me."

Keith's P.O.V.
After a long day of work I need a coffee. I heard about a place called Voltron café and decided to head there. I've been trying to figure out a way to take down my opposing drug ring without drawing attention to myself or my mafia group and it's exhausting.

I arrive outside the café and walk inside. There aren't many people inside, a couple on a date, an old woman reading a book, a group of friends who are chatting away, a man with a long white ponytail and a few people lining up. The line doesn't seem to be going anywhere and I look at the front to see a man berating the employee working at the desk.

I glance at the employee and my breath is taken away, he is the most beatific person I have ever seen. I have a very handsome boyfriend but beautiful fits this stranger better. He has a golden tan, crystal blue eyes, perfect skin and soft lips. He looks tired though, and really upset. I don't know what's going on, but all I know is I need to protect him.

"What's going on?" I ask, walking up to the front of the line where the man is yelling at the employee

"This omega thinks he's worthy to take my order." The man says "I want to speak with your manager."

"Sir, if you don't order I'm going to have to ask you to leave." The blue eyed boy replies

The older man reaches over the counter to grab the employees arm but I catch him before he can and pull him away.

"You should go." I say

"As of some puny alpha can tell me what to do, I'm a better alpha than you." The man growls

"Is there a problem here?" A new voice says, we turn to see a man with an orange moustache

"Who are you?" The man asks

"Coran, the owner." The ginger-haired man replies "Please leave my café, you're creating to much of a disturbance."

The man storms away, leaving the rest of us in the dust. It's silent for s few seconds and Coran asks the blue-eyed boy if he's ok. I hear him say he's fine so I walk back to my my place in line. When it's my turn the employee gives me a grateful look. I see his name is Lance from his name tag.

"Thank you for helping me." Lance says

"It's really no problem." I reply

"What can I get you?" He asks

"A large coffee, black ." I answer

"Ok, for?" He says, typing in the order

"Keith." I state

He nods and begins to make my coffee, the café is much emptier than before, I guess a lot of people didn't want to hear the yelling. It's probably busier during the morning than the afternoon anyway.

I watch Lance intently, he really is a beautiful omega. The way he moves is so graceful but he looks tired. He doesn't look that much younger than me, maybe he's in college and has a lot of assignments or something. I wonder if Shiro would like him as well.

Lotor's P.O.V.
Look who walked in to Voltron café, Keith Kogane, looking like a basic edgy teen, ripped jeans black leather jacket and a red top. Right hand man to Takashi Shirogane, not many people know his real name. I have a very personal source that has given me lots of information on him. Keith seems to have taken a liking to Lance, how interesting. I don't blame him, I have as well, but this better not continue. Lance is mine.

I first met Lance about four months ago, I heard about a new café and decided to try it out. The second I saw Lance I knew he had to be mine, my mate agreed. We both need an omega in our relationship. Keith can look, but he can't touch.

How amusing that he hasn't realised who I am, Lotor Daibazaal leader of the Daibazaal mafia group. The biggest rivalling mafia group to Shirogane and Keith's. I've been watching Lance for a long time, I've sent my men and women to gather information, to follow him. Keith doesn't stand a chance.

**Time skip to night**

Lance's P.O.V.
My shift at the café's over and I'm in the changing room getting back into my regular clothes. Just before I leave Coran walks over to me looking concerned.

"Are you ok Lance?" Coran asks

"Yeah I'm fine, that guy doesn't matter." I reply

"Are you sure?" He questions

"I'm sure, he didn't say anything I haven't heard before." I say, trying to assure Coran I'm fine "I really need to get home to... work on an assignment."

"Ok Lance, but remember, you have people here for you." He says

"Thanks Coran." I reply and walk out of the back door

I begin the walk to my apartment, I don't take the bus because it costs to much. After half an hour of waking I arrive at my apartment. I walk up the stairs and open my door, the lock doesn't work properly so I have to wiggle the key and push. The door opens and I walk inside, turning on the light.

I have half an hour before I need to get to the Galra club so I have to hurry. I take a short, cold shower and wash off all the grime and then get into my work clothes. A white, lacy lingerie piece that covers the right parts but leaves enough skin exposed

I apply my makeup in the bathroom, then pull on my coat and a pair of shoes. I take a few suppressant pills. I don't have enough money for proper suppressants so I have to use the cheap ones the Galra club sells. They prevent heats but they're dangerous, I know they could kill me, or make me infertile but I don't have the time or money to go through heat.

I grab my keys and phone and walk out of my apartment, locking the door behind me. I walk down the stairs and then through the backstreets to the Galra club. Finally I arrive and right on time as well. I walk in through the back entrance and head to the change rooms. I pull off my coat and shoes, putting them in my locker along with my keys and phone.

If anyone ever found out I was a pole dancer I don't know what I would do. I'd never be able to show my face again. Oh well, I need money more than reputation. Once I'm ready I head out to the club area and look over the audience.

Nothing out of the ordinary, a bunch of alphas, a few betas and some other dancers who are talking with the customers, obviously trying to get some more money. I walk up to my stage area and get ready to perform.

That's when I notice a black mullet, the same black mullet that was at the café today, the same black mullet that helped me. Keith his name was, what is he doing here? Maybe he won't notice me, I do look very different. But what is he doing here? And why do I feel so drawn to him? It couldn't be our instincts matching... could it?

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