Yup...War Is Still Going!

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Third Person POV

Perseus stood tall, looking across the beautiful City of Athens. He was currently standing on the roof of the Royal Palace. Perseus was deep in thought, Thinking about everything that has happened in the last few weeks.

His strength has been declining rapidly thanks to the spell. He does not regret doing it, doesn't regret taking his stand with the Greeks. He doesn't even mind that he is fighting his own family because he is sure that everything will work out in the end.

However he sighed as he thought of all the deaths that have come up as the war progressed. The Greeks have sacked city after city, village after village, but they have taken quite a beating. The Egyptians haven't fared any better. The Egyptians have suffered far less loses, but every lost soul in the war still hurts his heart.

The King of the Persian Council stood silently as he read over the latest report from Emperor Priam.

"My lord Perseus, we have come across an unexpected problem. It seems the Olympians fear our power, for they have let lose Ares, the God of War, upon us! The Olympians no longer honor the Ancient Laws! I beg of you that you send us aid against Ares and any other God or Goddess they send at us mortals.

Sincerely your servant.

Emperor Priam Of Greece.

Thanks to the Olympians, I am now forced to break my own laws in order to protect all Greeks from the wrath of the Olympians, Perseus thought grimly.

Perseus received this report yesterday and still he has not answered because he doesn't wish to get directly involved in the affairs of Mankind, even though he already is fairly involved.

After another moment of thought, Perseus flashed to Olympus and summoned Shu, Wadjet and Roku to the Throne Room for a meeting. After several minutes, All three deities flashed in, looking as regal as ever.

'My lord, you called for us?' Shu asked bowing respectfully towards Perseus.

Perseus nodded. 'It has come to my attention that Ares, The God of War, has involved himself directly in this war' Perseus spoke before stopping to let the news sink in.

After another moment, Wadjet spoke up. 'I assume you wish for us to take down Ares?' Wadjet asked curiously.

Perseus smiled. 'Not directly. Your job is to protect the Armies from Godly interference. If Ares happens to be in the battle killing humans, then you have my permission to bring him down. That goes for any God or Goddess that interferes directly in this war, not just Ares' Perseus responded calmly.

Roku nodded in excitement. 'Very well my lord, however, why do you need all of us? I could easily go over there and beat up Ares myself. Three Gods is just overkill' Roku said with a grin on his face.

Perseus chuckled. 'And what if Poseidon decided to show himself. What will you do against water?' Perseus asked smiling.

'That's why I want all three of you to go. If Poseidon shows up then Wadjet here can offer protection while Shu attacks Poseidon' Perseus said.

Immediately a look of understanding took form on each of the Gods faces. 'Very well my lord, it shall be done!' Wadjet said brightly as all three of them flashed away.

Perseus once again, found himself sighing again. He didn't want to send any of his Council Members out to fight since they were needed to guard the volunteers who are weakening because of the spell. But this was necessary, because without Godly aid against Godly interference, the war will be lost.

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