Chapter 11

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The dark figure unfurled its wings and took off towards Olympus at high speeds. Clouds rushed past its face as it flew over seas. For a couple of hours, he flew with no resting breaks and was rewarded with the sight of Olympus in the distance.

With a slight speed boost, the figure pushed forward and finally made it to Olympus. The figure rushed through the packed streets of Olympus and finally made it to his destination.

The figure walked quickly inside the Throne Room and found King Perseus sitting upon his throne.

'My lord!' The figure said in a cheerful tone.

The lone king turned his gaze upon the figure and smiled in complete shock and happiness.

'Kirk! Where have you been my old friend?' Perseus asked as he stood and hugged his old friend.

Kirk let out a small growl and let out a small trail of smoke come out of his mouth.

'I've been traveling the world looking for you of course. Good thing too because I've got important news to tell you' Kirk said in his dragon language only Perseus could understand.

Perseus nodded for him to continue, knowing if his friend had something to tell him that it was important.

'Very well. Catch up later, what information do you have that's important?' Perseus asked curiously.

Kirk took a deep breath. 'Well as I said before, I was searching everywhere for you when I came upon the Olympians. I was going to make myself known to them and say hi and stuff but something kept me from doing that' Kirk began nervously.

'They then started talking about a war they are losing and that's when they accused you guys from taking Athena captive! I overheard Zeus order everyone to gear up. Perseus, they are coming!' Kirk finished.

Perseus had sat upon his throne, listening to every word his best friend Kirk spoke. At the mention of being accused of kidnapping Athena, Perseus clenched his fists in anger at the mere thought of it.

'Alright, thank you Kirk for bringing this to my attention. I owe you one my friend' Perseus said before calling a meeting.

'My love, what's wrong?' Thetis asked as she, like the entire council, noticed his weary expression and worried look.

Perseus sighed as he stared into his lover's eyes. 'My brothers are coming to attack us. They believe I kidnapped Athena' Perseus said in a sad voice.

There were some gasps around the room at the thought of the Olympians accusing their king of kidnapping. But mostly, they all looked as if they all expected something like this to happen.

'Well, we all knew the Olympians would eventually grow a pair and attack us' The twin Deities spoke in unison.

Everyone nodded but they still had a grim look on their faces.

'We did expect them to attack us eventually. We just hoped we would be at full strength to defend ourselves' Seshat said in a troubled look.

'However, I did come up with a plan to counter this situation we find ourselves in' Seshat said suddenly looking like she has an idea.

~~~Time Skip~~~

The Olympians clambered noisily through the empty streets of Olympus. They were all wearing battle armor and all had their weapons out. Even Aphrodite had small daggers at her side.

The hunters of Artemis were there too, escorting their Lady through the deserted streets of Olympus.

'Huh, I guess we scared the little runts away' Ares said looking triumphantly.

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