Yay War!

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Third Person POV

Perseus watched as the Greek Army matched to the borders of Rome and Greece. The Greek kings were a little angry that they were being ordered around, but when they found out that the Romans were trying to invade and that the Gods were the ones that summoned them, they stopped whining and did as they were told.

King Priam, who was made slightly immortal, was the leader of the Unified Greek Army. I say slightly immortal because he still ages, he just ages much more slower than humans. Every 10 years is only 5 years for Priam.

The Romans already know that the Greeks are coming thanks to the Olympians. Or the Former Olympians.

In the Greek Army, the Spartans and Myrmidons were in the front as the rest of the Greeks took the rear. Leonidas stood tall and proud, his red cape flowing behind him as he lead the Spartan Forces with pride in each step. Many Greeks looked at the Myrmidons and Spartans in awe and jealousy, all wanting to be part of such a fierce fighting force.

Anubis and Horus stared out at the massive army, pride evident on their faces. Horus then turned to Perseus.

'The Egyptian Armies are sailing across the seas right now. They will be landing on a beach that is under Roman Control right now' Horus reported.

Perseus nodded. 'Good, have Wadjet keep the seas clear, tell her to keep a lookout for Poseidon and his Atlantians. I want the Egyptians to worry about the Romans and the Romans only, we shall take the Gods' Perseus commanded calmly.

Horus nodded before flashing out. 'We have also received word that the Amazons are staying neutral in this war. However that can still change with Hera being their Patron and all' Anubis said quietly.

Perseus sighed. 'If they join the war on Rome's side, then this war will be longer than it should be, but the results will be the same' Perseus replied coolly.

Anubis nodded in agreement. 'I agree, but I would rather the Amazons stay neutral than risk the chance that they join the war. It will only cause more deaths than are necessary' Anubis said worriedly.

Perseus smiled. 'Don't worry my friend, I will speak to the Amazon Queen myself. Maybe I can get a peace treaty going with them' Perseus suggested.

Anubis smiled. 'That is an excellent idea, my lord' Anubis replied.

Perseus groaned in annoyance. 'How many times must I tell you to call me Perseus? You know I hate it when people call me 'my lord' Perseus whined.

Anubis chuckled lightly. 'I know, but I still like to show respect to you' He responded before flashing out.

Perseus sighed as he stared out into the ocean that was the Greek Armies. It's hard to believe the Fates want to destroy all of Greece. Sure they aren't as noble as they used to be but they can change.

Perseus was shaken from his thoughts as someone flashed before him. Perseus turned to see Athena looking at him worriedly.

'Perseus, is it wise to go against the Fates?' She asked in a worried tone.

Perseus smiled. 'You tell me, Wisdom Goddess' Perseus responded with a slight chuckle.

Athena blushed slightly at her question. 'I meant to say if you believe we will win. With the Fates against us and the Olympians siding with the Romans, the odds are stacked against us' Athena replied in a hushed voice.

Perseus smiled. 'The odds were against you and my brothers when they fought against Kronos, yet we defeated the Titans and cast them to Tartarus, where they remain still. Kronos is still in pieces and we are still alive despite the odds. So I ask you this, do odds really matter? Or will the drive of the people push them to their very breaking point and beyond, proving that despite everything that is thrown their way, they shall prevail?' Perseus asked in a light tone, making Athena frown at his words.

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