Yup, Another Chapter

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Perseus' POV

After waiting forever for my body to reform, I went back to Olympus, only to find that it had taken a complete 180 turn. I watched as Zeus broke every law I made and got rid of some of them.

What shocked me the most was that a lot of Gods left Olympus because of Zeus.

After a few days I came to realize that I made a huge mistake. I realized that when I saw Zeus destroy every book that mentioned my name. He even destroyed every book and scroll that even suggested there was another King before Zeus.

Thanks to my idiot brother, I am beginning to Fade. I'm not loosing any power. I'm still as powerful as ever, actually I'm stronger than I was before I died, but I can feel myself Fading away. Not many people remember me and those that do can't search for me thanks to my brother.

I sighed, what am I going to do with my idiot of a brother? I could always take back the throne, but what would be the point? I take the throne back, fix everything, then I die or fade away and everything goes back to the way they are now. Yeah, I'm not doing that, if they like the way they are living right now, then so be it.

I was so deep in thought, that I didn't even realize I was a few yards away from the Tree of Immortality. I glanced up at the Golden Apples. They look quite tasty. I went to grab one and eat it when I heard someone start crying.

I turned towards the sound and saw a young woman on her knees crying. I instantly went to check what was wrong when I saw a man walking away from her. I quickly reversed time to see what had happened and saw how the woman helped the man. His name is Heracles, and he was sent here to retrieve a Golden Apple.

After the woman helped him, thinking she was in love with the man, the man left her, knowing full well that she sacrificed everything for him. I felt my anger grow, how dare he treat a woman with such dishonor and disrespect!

I went back to the present and stalked towards the man as he walked away. I summoned my sword and turned it into a spear. I swung my spear and watched as it smacked against the back of his head, causing him to fly forward and smash his face against a tree. (And that's how modern baseball was created!)

I walked over to the knocked out body of Heracles and retrieved the Golden Apple and the sword the woman gave him. I turned around and walked back to the woman and found her being yelled at by whom I guess are her sisters.

'You are a disgrace and pathetic excuse for a sister!' I heard them yell, that being the nicest thing they said.

I let my presence be know, my aura of power rolling off of me in waves. The women all turned to face me, instantly bowing when they realized who I was. I guess not everybody forgot about me after all.

I handed the crying woman back her weapon and the Golden Apple. 'I believe these are yours?' I asked as I handed them to her.

She sobbed before carefully reaching for them. 'H-how did you g-get it b-back?' She asked in shock.

I smiled at her. 'It was quite easy. Now I believe your sisters here were going to disown you after what you did, am I right?' I asked.

They all nodded and I continued. 'My name is Lord Perseus Jackson Void Oblivion, Primordial God of Dimensions, Elements, Time, Weapons, Creation, Darkness and Shadows. I am the King of Oblivion and Patron to Heroes, and no, Heracles does not count as a hero for obvious reasons. I am here to give you aid' I said.

The woman's eyes widened when I offered her aid. 'Why would you help me? You don't even know who I am' She asked shocked.

I smiled warmly at her. 'He is the previous King Of Olympus! He is actually THE one that created the Council years ago!' One of the Hesperides stammered.

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