Another Chapter!

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Third POV

For several years after the fall of Troy, the Persian Council has grown in power, it's influence reaching around the globe. The Olympians have never found the Persian Council, all of them angry that Achilles would dare harm a God.

After the Fall of Troy, Achilles joined the Persian Council so he left his Myrmidons kingless. After some thought, he decided to give Priam a second chance and gave his throne to him. No Greeks knew about that and Priam planned to keep it that way.

Later on in life, Achilles found out that Briseis had betrayed him and was the reason Apollo found out his mortal point. He was beyond angry, his mother Thetis was the one that killed Briseis for her treachery and sent her to the fields of punishment. Achilles mourned her death but he took it very well.

King Perseus sat on his Throne listening to the new reports coming in about the Olympians.

'My lord, We have sensed a new Super Power rising' Seshat reported.

Perseus have her a thoughtful look. 'A new Super Power?' Perseus sighed. 'The Olympians are probably going to jump at the opportunity of growing more powerful' Perseus concluded.

The Council nodded. 'So what are we going to do?' Achilles asked.

'We could always join the new Super Power under different names and become powerful still' Anubis suggested with a shrug.

Perseus shook my head and smiled. 'No, why should we take over a new nation? I already know what I want' Perseus said smiling at each of the Council Members.

They looked at me puzzled except for Seshat who had a knowing smile on her face.

'You plan on extending our influence to Greece?' Seshat asked.

Perseus nodded. 'I miss Greece, or at least what Greece used to be when I was king of Olympus' Perseus said with a small smile on his face.

The Council nodded in understanding. 'When shall we take over Greece?' Thetis asked.

Perseus smiled. 'I know my younger brothers. They will abandon Greece to the new Nation, leaving Olympus undefended and empty. It will be easy for us to establish our power then' Perseus replied in a thoughtful tone.

The Council nodded their heads. They all agreed with Perseus' plan. It was a sound plan after all.

'But what if the Olympians don't switch over to the new Nation? What shall we do then?' Seshat asked.

Perseus laughed. 'My brother will not stop at anything to become stronger. He lusts for more power, so trust me when I tell you that he will go to the new Nation and he will take the Olympians with him because he is their king' Perseus replied thoughtfully.

Everyone laughed at how Zeus lusts for more power, knowing that no matter how much power Zeus gains, he will never become as strong as a Persian God, let alone as strong as King Perseus.

Olympian Council.

The Olympians sat on their thrones, each thinking about the new Nation that is rising. It is supposed to be much more powerful than Greece and the Olympians were definitely interested in getting more power. Well, all of the Olympians except for Hades, Artemis and Hestia. They just wanted to stay with their family.

'Alright, so I say we move to this new Nation and become their Gods. Who agrees?' Zeus asked.

Instantly, the entire council's hands went up. Zeus grinned. 'Good, now when shall we leave?' Zeus asked.

Athena sighed. She chose to go because if the Persian Council was real, they would need every bit of power they could use to defeat such a threat. Of course, that is if they are indeed threats.

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