Chapter 5: All Figured Out

Start from the beginning

Katsuki's heart immediatly started hammering in his chest at that request as he stuggled to calm it back down. Sure, Izuku looked like he was going insane, but Katsuki could never turn him down while he was clutching onto him like that.

"Ah, sure."

Eventhough it made them both struggle to walk, the shorter teen refused to let go of his arm as they made there way to class, which had Katsuki blushing like crazy because of the close proximity. On the other hand, it had Izuku blushing because of the embarassment (as well as the closeness, obviously).

It was impossible to avoid eye contact in the crowded halls so it was evident that they were gojng to be met by confused expressions.

As predicted, many weird looks were sent their way but Katsuki tried to explain their situation with "He has a concussion" which surprisingly worked quite effectively. Everyone nodded in understanding and got back to minding their own buisness.

The blonde guessed that alot of people get concussions in UA.

They finally ended that long, embarassing journey and arrived at Aizawa-sensei's classroom. Izuku retreived his hands swiftly and tried to give his cutest "Thank you" before running to his seat, whipping out some books and burying his face into one.

With his book propped up and covering his face, he pretended to read when he was actually dying from the embarassment of his previous actions.

Even when he heard Katsuki pulling back his chair and sitting at his desk, he didn't stir from his place between the pages.

Not until Aizawa-sensei came in, did he reluctantly put his book down with his face still burning red and eyes glued to the board.

He didn't utter a single word to Katsuki throughout the entire lesson.

~ Lunchtime ~

After that painfully long lesson, Izuku was looking forward to a nice, light-hearted discussion about the weather with his friends. Instead, a lecture was awaiting him when he sat down at their table.

"It's like everything I spent ages teaching you just flew out of your head!" Uraraka exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air dramaticaly.

"I was under pressure ok!" Izuku defended, "I didn't know what I was doing!"

"Ugh, well now you've gone and ruined it."

"Uraraka-san I think you need to- uh what's the word?" Iida said, flipping through some flashcards he fished out if his pocket, "Ah yes, 'chill'. You need to chill."

"I'll chill only when he gets this right!"

And so the arguments started once more.


"Yeah dude, sounds like something's wrong with his head." Kirishima commented, sipping from his juice box.

"That's what I thought!" Katsuki exclaimed, "But then he asked me to walk him to class and then clung to my arm like a koala. I'm really fuckin confused now."

"Probably was hallucinating or something."

Katsuki thought for a moment, "Probably."

They all fell silent in thought before Denki suddenly shouted,

"Wait, wait, wait! Backtrack a second," He said, "You said he was tugging his hair?"

"Yeah, at least that's what it looked like. He was kinda twisting it as well." The blonde told him.

"Dude! He wasn't tugging it, he was twirling it!"

Denki let the information sink in and waited for their reactions but he was only met with blank stares.

"Oh, c'mon!" He cried as he face-palmed, "You guys do know that when a girl or guy does that they're trying to flirt, right?"

"Oh" They said in a chorus when they realized what that meant.

"Yeah, 'oh'" The blonde imitated, "That means Midoriya definitely reciprocates you're feelings!"

Eyes wide and mouth hung open, Katsuki struggled to digest this information. The noisy bustling of the cafateria around them was tuned out because his mind was only repeating one sentence, "Deku likes me back"

"-ude, dude!" Kirishima yelled in his ear while furiuosl shaking his arm, "You good? You kinda spaced out, there"

"He's probably thinking about his boyfriend." Denki commented, smirking.

That caused a blush to surge high on Katsuki's cheeks.

"I am not. And he's not my fucking boyfriend!" He yelled defensively, "And get the fuck offa my arm, ya damn leech!"

Kirishima immediatly removed his hands and put them up in surrender, which he seemed to be doing a lot lately (especially around Katsuki), and frowned.

"Oh sure, your crush full on latches to your arm and you don't say a thing, but when I'm merely placing a finger on you, you freak out. I'm supposed to be your bro, bro." He sulked.

"You will never be my bro." Katsuki replied.

Both boys gasped and redhead clutched his heart in sorrow while the other pretended to faint.

"I can't beleive you said that bro."

Katsuki rolled his eyes and got up from their table with his tray, "I've had enough of you idiots today."

He ignored their dumb apologies and strolled towards the bin to dump his trash. While walking, he stole a glance towards Izuku's table, as he always does, only to find bright eyes already seeking his.

The moment their eyes locked, Izuku reddened and hid behind Glasses Dude's back, out of embarassment. The blonde chuckled and shook his head at the reaction, despite the blush returning slightly to his cheeks.


Uraraka had been thinking.

She had been thinking throught Social Studies, Geography, English and now Math.

Something's missing.

To try and figure out what it was, she set up a mental timeline baised on what she witnessed and Izuku had told her.

First, they sit next to each other in class. Then they were in the park together. Then it was Katsuki-kun with his weird pick up lines- Wait, pick up lines!?

The brunette nearly fell off her chair out of the shock because, holy shit, pick up lines?? How could she have missed this??

What in tarnation made her so stupidly blind?

Perhaps she had been so wrapped up in Izuku making a move that she didn't stop to evalute what happened?

Perhaps she unconsiously brushed it off as some weird trait of Katsuki's?

God knows, but at this point Uraraka was already slamming a book to her head to wake up some of her brain cells.

Ignoring the concerned looks flashed her way, she desprately connected the dots and gasped aloud at what she found.

Katsuki-kun!!! likes!!! Izuku-kun!!! Back!!!!!!


Finally! They've stopped being dumb and figured it out!

And on the note of being dumb...


It is the day that I have been birthed and also the day this story is birthed as a book ^_^

Other than that weird comment, I hope you all had a wonderful day and if you didn't I hope this chapter cheered you up!

Anyways, see you in Chapter 6 folks and remember to stay hydrated 👋

- Kato

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