Chapter four: Welcome to the Hope detective agency! Part 2

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"So where exactly are we going?" I ask. "You really didn't read the portfolio?" She says as she stops and looks at me. "I really didn't get the chance." I shrug. She sighs. "You're meeting up with Junko in the food court at the mall. The day onwards is Mikalaya Hitoshi's choice. Sound good?" Mahiru said smiling at me. I nodded. "Well we shouldn't leave the model waiting." Once again she grab my wrist and dragged me to the mall.

Once we got to the mall the food court was right in front of me. Mahiru hid behind a bush and pushed me towards the court I gave her a slight glare before looking at the note telling me where I should meet the so-called-model named Junko.

Note: Go to the fountain in the middle of the court.

After I read the note I did what Mahiru instructed. So I went towards the fountain. I have to admit it seemed like a pretty popular place for marriage proposals, wishes, dates etc. I sat on the edge of the fountain til a thought crossed my mind.

'I have no clue on what Junko Enoshima looks like!'

I take out my phone to text Mahiru, because obviously this is important that I know what she looks like or something will obviously go wrong. Right when I was about to text her a voice interrupted me.

"Hey you're like Mikalaya Hitoshi right?" A basic like voice said. I looked up and smiled. "Oh yeah that's me." I say giving the girl a closed eye smile. "And I already know you're Ms. Junko Enoshima. I can't be wrong!" I improvise giving her a sly smirk. "Of course you're right!" She laughs and I mentally celebrate in my head. I then stand up.

Junko had these long blonde pigtails. One side of them was decorated with a bow on one side and a rabblit in the other. Her shirt was quite revealing and so was her skirt. To be honest she pulls it off very well.

"What're we waiting for? Let's go have fun!" I say and drag her to the nearby clothes shop."Wow Mikalaya. I didn't know you had good taste, well I did by the intel of your nomination video, but I didn't know your taste was this good." She said as she walked where the tops are. "Thanks. I try." I say as I chuckle slightly.


"Hey Ms. Junko aren't you hungry?" I ask. "I don't think so." She responds looking at me. Suddenly a rumbling noise came from her stomach. "Scratch that. I am hungry." I look around for my wallet to see it's not there. "Aw shoot I left my wallet at home!" I whine. Junko was looking for hers as well. "Ah! Here it is!" She exclaims. "Where do you wanna eat?" She asks as she smiles. "It's on me!"

We went to Panda Express for food, so we both ordered our food and we sat down. "Hey Mikalaya?" Junko is asking for my attention I look up to her. "Yes Ms. Junko?" I ask. "Why are you doing that?" She asks. "Doing what?" I ask tilting my head. "Putting 'Ms' before my name. I'm not old you know!" She spat. "I'm sorry! Is Junko-sama alright? Or just Junko?" I ask. "Junko. We're like besties now so I don't want that honorific shit coming out of your mouth Alright?" She asked and bit a piece of her egg roll. I nodded and ate the rest of my food.

After we were done we went to a few more shops then the movies, it was a chick flick. Junko was the one who picked it and I'm not really surprised, you know. By the way she dresses and acts. It was actually pretty good to be honest.

The last place of the day was the park, I haven't been here in forever since I was always so busy with work. I guess my new job has advantages. I might like my new job it doesn't really seem that bad.

"Hey Junko? I have a question." I say. "Oh cool. What is it?" She asked me taking her lollipop out of her mouth. "If you're really a famous model fashionista and whatnot why don't you have paparazzi following you wherever you go?" I ask.

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