Chapter 7 - Necromancers in Heresh

Start from the beginning

"What price?" Selsian asked.

The man replied. It was shocking, to say the least.

"Your life."

"What do you mean?" Selsian demanded. He was confused, but certain that accepting the man's offer was the best choice.

"Your appearance will change. Also, you will do my bidding when asked, spirit."

"I do not serve a master that I do not know the name of." Selsian retorted.

"Then I will give you mine. I am King Naghren of Heresh. I command the necromancers." Naghren said.

"I accept your terms. My life is yours. Command me as you will."

"Good. You shall be a spirit no longer." Naghren smiled. Then he waved his hand at Selsian.

Selsian felt a tingling sensation all over before he was double over in extreme agony. Every area of his body was on fire. He writhed and moaned on the ground, tears streaming from his eyes. Then black spots danced before his vision and he saw no more.


Your name shall be Ryhon Darkwielder.

<--<< >>-->

When he woke again, Selsian saw that he was lying on a soft bed. His head reeled with knowledge. He had somehow been given all the arcane knowledge of a master necromancer.

Someone attended to him. He appeared to no more than eleven. That was another shock. The servant was a ghost. He had white skin and hair and glowing green eyes. Where the whites of his eyes would have been, it was simply black. Selsian widened his eyes and backed away from the servant until he hit the headboard on the large bed.

"Have I upset you, Master Ryhon?"

Selsian frowned in confusion. The servant cringed.

"No... what's your name?" He finally asked.

The servant blinked.

"My name is Jemery, Master Ryhon." He said respectfully.

"Why do you keep saying 'Master Ryhon'?" Selsian asked.

"Your new name is Ryhon. Ryhon Darkwielder, my master. Did you not know?"

Selsian stared, shocked. So that was why he had heard that name. So he was to be renamed, then. Ryhon Darkwielder. That name was not altogether bad.

"So that was why I heard it."

"Aye, master. All new Necromancers hear their new names before they heard nothing at all."

"No. Don't call me that. I was also a servant. I do not feel comfortable with the attention. Will you not just be my friend?" Ryhon asked.

Jemery gasped.

"N-No, m-master Ryhon. It is an honor, but I would be snuffed out if I did not serve you."

"Snuffed out?" Ryhon questioned.

"Oh, the horror! As a ghost, I cannot die again, but his majesty king Naghren can snuff out ghost at his will. They say that when he was born, he clenched his fist and a couple of hundred ghosts were snuffed. When you get snuffed, you disappear from this word forever. You simply cease to exist. You will not go to the Ether, the Abyss, Dargon or here, Heresh, ever again." Jemery answered. "I had a friend, who chose not to serve his master. I was there when it happened. His majesty simply clenched his fist and Henry was gone."

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