Chapter 38 - Date Night ✔

Start from the beginning

"Baby what's wrong? Why are you crying?!" Steph asks frantically and I didn't even know he came into the room.

"I look like a cow..." I sob out in a stuttered whisper. "No matter what I put on, I'm still huge as a fucking house... I don't want to be pregnant anymore..." I said still crying.

"Don't say that again baby, you hear me? You are the most breathtakingly beautiful woman to walk the face of the Earth and with you pregnant makes you even more stunning baby and you're not "huge" your carrying our babies Amore (love)." He says after turning me towards him and titling my head up so I could see just how much he meant what he said.

"But I'm fat and ugly, you could be with anyone you want to be, maybe even a super model or an actress or a-" I rambled before he cut me off.

"Would you stop! I love you, I don't give a shit about any other superficial women that's out there, you are what I WANT AND NEED! And your not fucking fat, your pregnant." He says and then kisses me to show me just how much he wants me and I was instantly lost and completely forgot why I was crying but that didn't last long as he pulled away to quick for my liking.

"Now let me have a look at you." He says and then turns me back to face the mirror and stands behind me putting his arms around me, resting his hands on my belly and then he continues. "Will you look at that? See how beautiful you look but do you know what doesn't look good on you?" He asks looking me straight in the eyes and my smile that appeared started to drop a bit as a part of me knew this was coming as I know I'm ugly.

"Tears... That does not look good on you baby, you're too beautiful to cry" he says with so much love and adoration in his voice and eyes, that I couldn't help but smile big with tears falling down. "Hey! I said stop it okay?" He says and pecks my cheek when I nod my response, not trusting my voice at the moment.

"Good now let's go before we never leave this room..." He says licking his lips after giving me a once over and then smirk at me. "We should leave now as I'm sure those babies are starving, so why don't we see to their needs first, before mommy takes care of daddies needs" he says biting his bottom lip with a wink and I could feel how wet I was getting in the south region and if I don't make a move to leave I might just jump him and I know that's what his trying because he loves to tease and this is him trying to make me attack him because he says sex is even wilder that way, horny asshole!

"I know what you're trying and it won't work, now leave and wait for me outside the door, I just need to pee AGAIN! And then touch up my make-up then we can go." I said glaring at him with a stern voice or at least I think I am, to show him I'm serious.

"Yes ma'am!" He says with a smirk and you can hear his amusement in his voice as he probably can see how much I want him right now, Fucking Prick!


Walking down the stairs proved to be one of the many things that's near to impossible when you're 7 months pregnant with twins, I feel like I'm about to collapse not only from exhaustion but also from my aching feet and back. Yes Steph is right by my side for support but his not the one that has to carry the weight and deal with the pain I seem to be in every flipping day!

"I need to sit down Steph, my feet and back are killing me and on top it all the twins decides now is the time to play tag in kicking my ribs" I said through clenched teeth as I'm trying to deal with the pain.

"Of course baby, just breath through it yeah" he says like that's easy to do! "Come sit here at the table, I'll get you some water" he says when we get to the closes room down the stairs.

I understand why he wants us to do this once a week before the babies arrive, to not only get sometime alone but also to really get to know one another but I can't do this anymore all I want to do is lay in bed, my feet looks and feels like it's ready to burst and my back... don't even get me started on my back, not to mention all the uncomfortable stares we get in public. Don't get me wrong I love spending time with Steph and I love that he of the men came up with this idea as I enjoy every minute with him but I just can't do this anymore.

Cheated Then Knocked Up By Romano Where stories live. Discover now