The Red-headed Lady

Start from the beginning

"I just had to flee my gym class from my substitute teacher." She panted.

"So your powers-"

"Are back." She replied and then she closed her eyes and then ice started to cover the pillar. She opened them again. "See?"

"How did you guys get yours?" I asked.

"You explain yours first." Danielle replied.

After explaining what happened to me Melanie nodded. She then when right into her story about what had happened. When she told about the substitute teacher not being noticed by others. That got me inserted. There were rummers among some of the heroes about there being people with magic powers but I never believed them or considered it to be true. Until today.

"I guess I should explain my story now." Lauren said.

We nodded and she was about to speak when a person spoke. "Well well well what do we have here?"

I turned around and faced her. It was a woman that I hadn't seen before. Red hair and whereing a gym outfit. Melanie's face had gone pale. I looked at Lauren trying to tell her to link us up.

"You can try." the woman said "but you will fail."

"Get out of my head!"

She stumbled back. Almost like she had gotten hit with multiple screams. She might have if she had entered each of our thoughts. I looked around the bathroom. We were surrounded by water. I smiled. I raised my hand up and water came out of pipes. it was all coming to me and then I sent it to the woman. It got her hard and good. she was on the hard bathroom floor. "Run."

We raced out of there as fast as we could hopping to get away from her. We couldn't endanger other students when she would follow us so we did the logical thing. We left the school. Yeah call us ditchers but when your ruining away it dosen't really count. We had just made it out of school when she was in front of us.

"Leaving school?" she asked. "I should put you in detention."

"Oh please your not a substitute teacher." Melanie said. "So who are you?"

"I'm your worst nightmare." she replied.

"Yeah my nightmare is not someone that looks like you and can enter others minds. " I said.

"That's not all you can do. Allow me to demonstrate."

I jumped out of the way of her first blast of energy. Lauren shielded herself from the attack. Danielle leaped out of the way like a cat. Melanie nearly got hit. Lauren was focusing hard as the rest of us was dodging. You would thing people would here the noise and come and see what it was. Nope. Boom. There went the doors.

"Hello guys can you hear me?" Lauren asked telepathically.

"Yeah I can hear you Moonfire." I replied.

"So what's the plan Seaspray?" Danielle asked.

"We flee as fast as we can. Try to get her away from the school."

"I think she has some magic as well." Melanie said.

"Okay.... you guys in or not?"

"We're in Seaspray."

Lauren let her protective bubble go and then flew off. Melanie started to skate on ice. I grabbed Danielle and we flew as fast as I could. I didn't look back to see if the lady was following us. I was focused on getting out of there. If we lost her great. If not okay then. I wasn't sure what to expect from her. I had never met her before when I was fighting heroes. Finally I saw an empty field. "Lets land there" I said pointing to the field.

Hero Journals: Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now