I smile and happily skip down the stairs holding into Aaron's hand. We reach the bottom of the stairs and only see Sav and Jacob cuddling on the couch. Of course they'd be the only ones up it's eight am and everyone else sleeps all day.

Aaron and I sit in the love seat, me sitting on Aaron's lap. It takes a while for Sav and Jacob to even acknowledge our presence.

"Oh hey guys!" She's smiles at us. Then turns her attention back to the movie I recognize as dear John.

Honestly I hate this movie. I hate how it seems so unrealistic, I mean who in there right mind would invite a guy to walk her home just because he saved her bag. What if he was some sort of murderer?

Once the movie ends we all stand up to stretch out our bodies. When Aaron stretches out his arm he moves towards me a little bit and purposely touches my butt. I shriek only for me and him to actually here, and he chuckles at my reaction.

"Ready for our date tonight?" He whispers into my ear.

I enthusiastically shake my head. I might have forgot about the wedding but I haven't forgot about Aaron's proposal to take me on a date every night until we leave, it's just to sweet.

I dramatically yawn stretching out my arms. Aaron laughs at me and picks me up bridal style like he always does.

"We're going to bed." Aaron announces to our two best friends.

He carried me upstairs and playfully throws me into the bed and crawls to me like some type of jungle cat, a jaguar maybe. He playfully purrs at me making me giggle at his weirdness.

"You wanna know something?" He asks me smiling wide.

"Sure. What?"

"I think you love me." He smiles.

I'm caught of guard and start to cough hysterically. Choking on nothing but surprise I guess. I can't believe he just said that, he was probably teasing me but still I'm not ready to love anyone yet.

"Or not." He second guesses himself.

"I'm sorry you just caught me off guard. Can we please not talk about this.?"

He slowly shakes his head and pulls my body closer to his. He rest his chin on my head and I wrap my tiny arm around his torso.

I don't remember exactly when I fell asleep but I'm awake now. I look over to see its already 2pm. I look over and see Aaron isn't in bed anymore. I slowly sit up and look around before standing to my feet. I look in the mirror to make sure I look decent before strolling downstairs.

"She's awake!" Hayes yells as I enter the living room.

Everyone comes rushing out and crowds around me. What's going on? I look around for Aaron but he's not there. Where is he? Is he okay? My thoughts are answered when he walks over to me and stands in front of me.

"I have some news." Aaron tells me.

What's going on?

"What? What's going on?" I ask looking at everyone.

"You need to come with me." He says quietly. I don't reject.

He leads me to the car and I silently get into the car. All kinds of questions swarm my mind. Is everything okay? Is something wrong? Is my family okay? Where are we going?

"Put this on please." Aaron says handing me a blindfold.

I slowly and cautiously take the blue cloth from his hand and wrap it around my eyes. I know I should be questioning why he asked me to wear a blindfold but I'm more concerned as to what's going on.

After an .hour or so of quiet I feel the car come to a stop and hear the breaks squeal. My door I assume has been opened since a heard a door shut than soon after one creaked open.

I stick my hand out and find Aaron's. I feel as if this is some sort of trust exercise. I only have Aaron to guide me to wherever it is we are going. He pulls me into a building I'm guessing and I hear tons of voices around me some questioning "why that girls wearing a blindfold".

We come to a stop and I feel something touch my lips and it take me a second to realize Aaron is kissing me and I kiss him back.

"Take the blindfold off." He whispers before kissing me behind my ear.

I slowly and dramatically untie the blindfold in anticipation. The blindfold soon hits the floor and I'm eye to eye to the brown eyed, dark brown haired man.

Right when my eyes landed on him my eyes started to burn. I ran over to the boy I've missed so dearly waiting at the bottom of escalators an threw my arms around his neck sobbing into his chest.

"Oh m-my gosh, Br-Brad!" I tried to say as I cried.

"I've missed you." He smiled into my hair.

"Oh my gosh." Is all I manage to say.

"I'm gonna take that as an, I missed you to brad." He teased.

"I'm sorry, I just- oh my gosh." I fail to complete my sentence, and finally realize Aaron has taken me to the airport to pick up brad.

He chuckles a deep manly chuckle. "Why are you here?" I ask and see him frown. "Not that I don't want you to be." I clarify.

"Well this guy right here-" He says putting his hand on Aaron's shoulder "-called me and said how much you missed me."

I smiled wide and ran to give Aaron the biggest hug I could manage and showered him in kisses. He was a bit thrown off but didn't push me away, just laughed at my out burst.

"Thank you so much!" I smile up at Aaron.

He smiled back at me and leans down to connect our lips. I gladly meet him in the middle and enjoy the kiss. We are soon interrupted by brad clearing his the throat, interrupted too soon.

We pull away and look over to brad who is awkwardly standing there watching us.

"Well I'm glad that your happy an all but we gotta go." He smiled at me. "But I have tons of questions for the car ride."
So how is everyone? How am I? Well since you asked... I'm great! My concert is in NINE DAYS!! (August 16th) yippe! *happy dance* *crickets*

Oh you didn't ask...Well than this is awkward...! *slowly backs away than begins running.*

Dedication: the boys themself 😍: aha I know they're not reading this but since I love them so dearly might as well give them a dedication. Well basically they are the air I breath, the ground I walk on, the water I drink, the food I eat, they are my everything. They have even invaded my cats personal life. 0.0. He has a whole shrine to them, even bigger than mine. Oops that was a secret. So don't tell anyone, only my cat mr.Carter knows. So shhh. Anywhoo, they are basically amazing. Not perfect, no one can possibly be perfect it's humanly impossible but they come very close. I love than more than life itself, maybe that's why I don't have a boyfriend. 'Sure it is' stupid self conscious shut up already! -.-

So instead of a fill in the blank I have a question so I can get to know my phenomiNIALL readers.

"Q: what do you do for fun?"

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