I love you [MobyTim]- Fanfiction

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Written by secretlyeridan182


Background: My friend told be that people we're sniping Tim and Moby from brainpop. I looked it up now here we are.

Cover: There's no cover. You could at least put one on there.

Formatting: Okay so you have different chapters you could just put them in Different chapters instead of putting it all together. The spacing is good and it's easy to read. You should italicize the "Tims POV" and "Mobys POV"

Characters: The characters are okay. I don't like that Mobys some words for his thoughts are the noise he makes. The characters are fine, I don't really know what to say about them, they're Tim and Moby, basically my childhood.

Plot: So, Tim likes Moby, and then all of a sudden he gets depressed because Moby won't love him. Why?! What triggers this?! Then they say they love each other and it ends. The thing about star fruit made me laugh.

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️out of five. I found this entertaining, but it was short and quick. I wish it was longer.

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