Winter Starco - Fanfiction

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Author: Me @Reject_Elephant

Okay so I wrote this story a while ago. It's shit! Don't read it! Read my newer shit instead!

Cover: it's kinda cute and gets the message across that it's a cute story. I don't like how lazy it looks. It looks like you searched Starco Winter and got this and put text on top of it.

Star: okay it starts off with Star being depressed and almost killing her self. WTF, PAST ME! ARE YOU DOING OKAY! This doesn't make sense for her character. Her character is bubbly and happy. I get that life is hard but I don't think she character would ever thing about suicide.

Marco: he seems normalish but if it feel like I know him as much as Star.

Jacky: SHES AN ASSHOLE IN THIS! She doesn't Match her cannon character who's cool and easygoing.

Structure: it's all just one big paragraph and it's hard to read.

Plot: Kinda boring like it kinda felt like I didn't know what to do by chapter 2 you were grasping for straws.

I give it: Half a Star

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