"So you are the newbie. Sasuke?  Am I right? " the girl spoked.
"Yeah. "
"That's different. I never expected an international celebrity visiting me. Anyways from today I'm your new friend Haruno Sakura. "

He was shocked. People feared talking to him. And here she was proclaiming herself a friend. What does she think she is?

"Who said I'm your friend? "

"Well I believe in calling my patients friend. You know PATIENT makes them feel more sick."

"I'm not talking about that. " he replied back. "I'm different for them. And I'm bigger then you. So you don't stand any chance. Its Mr. Uchiha for you. "

The pinkette was prepared for this. "Well I kinda expected them from you while reading your behavioral reports. For your information I'm also 22 so NO you are not bigger than me. You might be super rich but at the end of the day you are paying me. I'm an experienced surgeon and have more knowledge then you do."

"I can act better." he retorted.
"Will that acting of yours can hide your sickness from me? "

"No. " he himself was shocked by his answer.

"So whose the biggie? "

"You are the Boss. "

"No you are wrong Sasuke. I said I'm your friend."

He was fascinated. She was the first one who didn't go on confessing him but the first one to talk back to him which even Naruto feared to do and his mentor Kakashi ever did.

"You are annoying. " the words left his mouth.

"Bear me. You can't run away. "

She is fascinating.

"So what do I do? Tell my sad stories to you? " he was not ready to share the details.

"No. " she replied. "I never force anyone to tell me things that are uncomfortable with. But believe me one day they themselves share it with me. Forcing is never the answer."

"You are different from others. I should say Naruto did something better. "

"He cares to much. That's what I can say. " the girl answered.

"You know Naruto? " he was surprised.

"Yeah. He is my childhood friend. You see I only treat war affected kids. But when Naruto told me that this big bestie of his was facing some serious troubles I tried to deny. But he was giving the look like I'm the only healer made me say yes. I can never NO him. "

'"Is he special for you? " he didn't know why was he asking that to her. But some part of his wanted answers.

"Special?  Yes he indeed is very special. I won't deny if someone says he is my brother. I still remember once I was talking to him in a park and some reporter clicked our pics. Next day it was all over the headlines. "Nature dating a cos player". Huh they don't care about anyone's feelings. I never had this romance thing for Naruto. He was always there when I wanted anyone to talk too. That's what our relationship is. I get to listen all his complaints. We listen to each other. His work is hard. He can't meet me all the time. But whenever O ask him to do so he comes back running. But I was more hurt by the cosplayer thing. Of course my hairs are naturally pink. (pouts)  meanies."

"So he did on purpose. He wanted me to be treated by you." Sasuke replied.

"I don't know what he thought. But now when he trusted him I gotta make you fit and fine." She answered.

"Its time for dinner. You are coming with me."

"Stupid. Are you asking me on a date Doctor. I reject. "

Sasuke x Sakura :(One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now