I pick out a shirt and a pair of blue, high wasted jeans. I slid into my Serpents jacket and spray on some of my fruity perfume.

I walk back downstairs, this time in clothes of mine. Sweet Pea is so embarrassing.

Fp: glad you have actual clothes on this time. He says with a smirk, I roll my eyes.
Betty: I blame your son. I say making them all laugh.

I take a seat next to Sweet Pea and eat breakfast with them. Jellybean was going on about something new that she was obsessed with. I couldn't really pay attention to her as all I could think about was what she called me last night; mum.

Jellybean is such a beautiful person, she has a heart made of gold and is definitely the nicest person on the South Side. I never wanted to replace her mum since Jellybean doesn't really know her. It's not my place to step in or even tell Jellybean about Sharron. This is something Fp needs to tell her and I know he's been trying to hold off, I can't blame him either. It's not easy talking about your ex wife who left out of no where.

After she left, Fp only ever had one more contact with her. The divorce papers.

I remember when I was younger, whenever I went to their house Sweet Pea and I would hear them arguing, they thought we couldn't hear them. Sweet Pea always got upset that his parents were like this so I'd always hug him and hold his hand, it seemed to calm him down.

Sweet Pea: ready to go to school? He asked while bringing me out of my thoughts. I nod my head and we both stand up.

We say goodbye to Fp and Jellybean, we then head onto Sweet Pea's bike and go to school.

Along the way I couldn't stop thinking.

It was extremely late when I took her to bed, she was probably just tired and wished her mother was still around. I mean I couldn't blame her.

She grew up with a mother for the first 3 years of her life, that is in no way enough time to memorize or remember your mother. All Jellybean wants is a mother, I can't blame her for that.

I decided I'd stick with that reason.

We arrive at school and Sweet Pea wraps an arm around my waist. I look up to him and smile.

We walk to our run down student lounge and take a seat with the rest of our friends. We were all gossiping about this new kid that's supposed to be coming to our school tomorrow. Apparently he went to a juvenile detention center because he had lots of speeding tickets and had been doing drugs. I'm sure he'll fit in right here.

I wonder if he's as bad as the rumors? Could he have changed? I doubt it though.

The bell went and we finished up our conversations and headed to class. I had my first two classes with Veronica. We head to our lockers and then walk to class, taking a seat at the back.

Veronica: we need to hang out. Come to my house tonight? She randomly asked.
Betty: sure. I say with a smile.

I'm sure it will be good to get out of the house and have some girl time.

We managed to survive the painfully long lesson and soon enough we were back outside with our friends. It was pretty cold outside so Sweet Pea had both his arms wrapped around me, keeping me warm. My head was resting on his chest and he would every now and then place small kisses over my face which always made me blush.

Everything in my life feels like when one thing settles another problem presents itself. That's just my crazy life wrapped in a nutshell.

The day went along pretty well and it was finally done. I had already told Sweet Pea I was staying at Veronica's. Veronica and I decided I would meet her at her house at 6 pm. That left me enough time to go home and go for a quick run. Lately I haven't been exercising as much as I'd want to. I usually did it while I was training with Daniel.

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