Chapter 11 // Sounds like a plan

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"Thanks for the dress again," I said sheepishly as the guys and I stepped into my house. 

"No problem," said Anthony. 

"Anytime," said Travis. 

"It was fun," said Daniel. 

I smiled. "Yeah except I have no where to wear it. The dress I mean,".

"Yeah you do; a party!" exclaimed Anthony. 

"Well I can't see myself at a party anytime soon since..." I trailed looking at my feet. 

"We could throw one and try to make Eric jealous," suggested Daniel. 

"Yeah I never liked that guy," said Anthony. 

"I never had anything against him until he punched me in the face so I kind of want a little revenge," chimed Daniel. 

"I don't know's sweet and all but maybe I'm not ready," I said, suddenly feeling a change in mood. 

"Look Alexis," said Anthony. "Eric acted innocent and tried to blame you for stuff ever since the school year started. In relationships, people have to trust each other and he acted as if he couldn't trust you when in reality, he was the one who shouldn't have been trusted. He betrayed your trust, and I think you deserve revenge,". 

"Who knew that you knew so much about relationships," Daniel smirked. 

"Yeah, yeah whatever Danny," said Anthony, crossing his arms over his muscularly defined chest. 

"Don't call me that!" snapped Daniel. 

"I could throw the party at my house this weekend," suggested Travis. "Then we could just have Alexis with one of us the whole night and fake a relationship to make him jealous,". 

"Sounds like a plan to me," said Anthony. 

"But guys, what if Eric doesn't even show up?" I asked. 

"Well if he knows you'll be at the party, he'll definitely show up. But if he doesn't come, we'll make sure that he hears about you being with one of us," explained Travis. 

"Plus if he comes, he'll be able to see you in that incredibly hot dress," winked Daniel. 

I blushed and smiled at him. "Shut up,". 

"Yeah Danny, shut up and stop hitting on my girl," said Anthony jokingly. 

"Call me that one more time and I'll smash your headlights!" threatened Daniel. 

"Guys, what if I don't want to make him jealous?" I asked. 

"Ok then I guess you can just be sad all the time and watch as Eric and Jamie make out in the hallways," taunted Anthony. 

I leaned onto one leg and thought about this. Did I want to give Eric and Jamie the satisfaction of knowing that he hurt me? Did I want him to think that I was totally lost without him, or that he mattered to me way more than I mattered to him? Maybe I could make him think that he meant nothing to me (which is a total lie). 

Something changed in that instant. All the sadness and sorrow that filled me before was filled with anger- or maybe that was an understatement. Rage was more like it. 

"You know what? Let's make that son of a bitch pay,". 


It has been four hours since we decided to officially get payback on Eric. We were all sitting in Travis's room and devising a plan for the weekend. Travis would send out invites and we were going to make sure that anybody who is friends with Jamie and Eric are going to be there. Of course a lot of other people would need to be there so that they could witness me being totally over Eric. 

We decided that Anthony and I would be together the entire night and we would flirt, dance, and do whatever was possible to make Eric jealous. Daniel and Travis were going to talk to other people, and tell them that I am totally over Eric and I couldn't care less who he dated. They're also going to say that I must be 'some chick' to make Anthony abandon his old ways, and only be with one girl at a party. 

Then Anthony was going to get Eric alone at one point in the night and talk about how amazing I was in bed, of course without ever having to sleep with me, but Eric didn't have to know that. Works for me, especially since I'm sure Anthony has tons of sexual diseases. 

"All you have to do for the night is look hot, which shouldn't be a problem, put on the dance moves with Anthony, and enjoy the show," said Travis. 

"Sounds like a plan," I said. 

"I can't wait to see his face," said Daniel, rubbing his hands together in an evil manor. 

"I get this vibe that you hate him more than I do," I said sarcastically. 

"The guy clocked me!" exclaimed Daniel. 

"True I understand that," I said. "But he did worse to me,". 

"Well not according to Amanda and Rita," said Anthony. 

"What do you mean?" I asked. 

"Well while you were in your bedroom all week, they were posting stuff on facebook about how they felt bad for Eric because you cheated on him with Daniel,".

"I never cheated on him!"

"Yeah I know but leave it to Amanda to make crap up,". 

"This is awful! So basically they're saying that he never even cheated on me with Jamie?"

"Well see we have proof that he cheated," Daniel said. 

"What proof?" I asked confused. 

"Remember when we were umm..walking down the hall and you looked into that classroom and saw know..Eric and Jamie..well I took a picture," mumbled Daniel. 

Now that I thought about it, I did remember him pulling something out of his pocket although I didn't bother looking too hard because tears were blurring my vision. 

"Post it!" said Anthony. 

"Alexis?" Daniel asked for my input. 

Well.. if people thought that I was the one who cheated then they would hate me at the party for being with another guy. So the only thing to do was to show what really happened even if it ruins Jamie and Eric; I mean otherwise, it'll ruin me. 

"Let's do it," I said. 

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