Chapter 3 - Model Behavior

Start from the beginning

I raise a brow and roll my eyes at the familiar words that Richard has told me so many times before. "I know. I warned myself about those reckless rich kids, but he isn't like that. He's actually really kind and charming and sweet.. and hot." I made my way over to the model to adjust the dress as he followed closely. "He's not what I expected so I'm gonna give him a chance until he proves me wrong."

Looking behind me, I chuckle when I catch him rolling his eyes and bring my attention back to the model making the necessary adjustments on the dress.

"Okay, just make sure he knows if he fucks up, I'll be the one he'll have to answer to. Does Mr Perfect have a name?"

"I don't know if you'll know of him, I didn't. His family is super private, try to stay away from "upper class drama". Christian Marino DeLuca."

The model must've been listening, she spun around to face me so fast, I pricked myself with the safety pin I was using to cinch the waist of the dress.


"Christian DeLuca is the guy you've been seeing?" Richard asked shocked and wide eyed.

I gave a small nod before his face hazed over with an unreadable expression. Snapping out of it he gave my arm a rub and took the pin to finish the alterations.

"You're dating Christian?!" the model's voice rose slightly as she looked me up and down in disbelief.

"Something like that. Why? Do either of you know him?" I studied her with narrowed eyes as I sucked on my bleeding thumb.

"Apparently not." Her face went stiff as she turned her concentration back to the photographer almost as if dismissing me completely.

" Her face went stiff as she turned her concentration back to the photographer almost as if dismissing me completely

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We were in Richard's office looking over all the photos from the shoot, choosing which ones to send to the editors. He sat back in his chair while I leaned in over his shoulder. I stared at the model's face thinking about our interaction and how disappointed, almost angry, she looked when she realized Christian was the guy.

I eased back and took a seat on the edge of his desk. "Thanks again for trusting me with this project. Are you happy with how it all turned out?" I questioned trying to brush away the vulnerability I felt.

"I told you I loved it. You did a great job. After working under me for so long, there's no-one that deserves it more." He pat my thigh sending me a proud smile.

I hated when people would praise me on my work- I mean I loved them recognizing how much heart and soul I put into everything, but compliments always had me feeling exposed which led to an overwhelming shyness. Skipping over all that awkwardness, I looked over to the large clock mounted on the wall noticing it was time for lunch. Standing from his desk, I slip my heels back on, getting ready to leave.

"If I don't go now I won't have any time for lunch and the last thing you need is me stressed out, hungry and irritated. I'll see you in an hour and a half." I say waving my hand, walking towards the door.

"Your lunch is an hour."

I turned to face him with folded arms and a raised brow.

He must be playing right now; this man knows how stressed I've been about this cover and now it's finally over I deserve a break

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He must be playing right now; this man knows how stressed I've been about this cover and now it's finally over I deserve a break. He dropped his head sighing.

"Fine. Take 2 and don't say I never do anything for you."

"Have I told you I love working for you? I'll bring you back that rabbit food you like so much."

"Please stop calling my salads rabbit food. Enjoy your lunch." I turn back around with a smile on my face continuing my exit.

Picking up my purse, I rushed to the elevator before Leona from sales notices me and tries to stop me for another one of those gossip sessions. I take out my phone ready to call Christian once I get out of the building. I scope out the office while waiting and start grinning to myself when I hear the *ding*, I stepped in hitting the button for the lobby.

As soon as the doors open for me to get off, I look up from my cell and there he is. His bodyguards Antoni and Sebastian planted behind him, all three stood somewhere over 6-foot looming over my mediocre 5'3. I was surprised to see him, this visit reminded me of just how sexy he is. They were all dressed in black from head to toe but somehow, he still managed to stand out.

"Hey! I was just coming up to see if you wanted to get lunch with me. Are you busy?"

"Not at all,  I was headed out for some food and about to call you actually. Where did you want to go?"

I exit the elevator giving him a small hug and kiss on his cheek while waving to the men behind him, subsequently heading for the front doors, the 3 giants in tow.

"Ladies choice. I'm sorry you haven't heard from me today; I had a lot of stuff to think about. A lot of stuff involving you."

I stop and turn to see if his face would give away any sign of what he meant, but nothing. "What do you mean stuff involving me?"

The corner of his mouth turned up in a cute smirk, he looked to his fidgeting hands then back at me. "I'd prefer you were fed when we talked about this. I know how you get when you've not eaten."

I nodded my head and shrugged which made him smile harder. We left the building and he immediately took hold of my hand, pulling me to walk closer to him. The habitual gesture only made me more irritable, it brought up that unsure feeling I hated so much. I stopped walking and dropped his hand earning a confused look from him. Before I knew what was happening and could stop myself, the words spilled from my lips.

"I don't like feeling lost or questioning myself Chris. I like you, a lot. Do you want to be with me?" Losing my nerve toward the end I could hear the uncertainty and shyness smother my speech.


JJ x

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