Chapter Thirty-Eight

Start from the beginning

"Really?" I said, trying my best to control the anger that raged through my veins. He didn't know who had sent in those photos, so I couldn't be mad at him for it. Randy held up his hands in defense.

"I mean no disrespect by it. Remember, this is my best friend here."

"I remember your brother outing you to me about having a poster of me on your wall." I raised a brow, pushing the thought of my fucked-up father in the back of my mind; for now. He laughed mockingly though, earning a grin from me.

"I just want to make sure she's okay, this hasn't happened before. You don't just get seizures. Makes me think Robert is back or something." He said with a nonchalant manner about himself. I tried my hardest not to react, but I could probably break someone's hand with how hard my fists were balled up in my lap.

"What... uh, makes you think that?" I asked, trying to play it cool. Then it dawned on me; why was I so scared? Why was I so scared to think that he did have something to do with this? From everything that I've seen from him, it would make sense in a way.

"Well," He started, sitting up and cracking his knuckles. "Now, you're going to think I am like, such a moron but, I have this insane theory." He said with a quizzical expression, "When Robert and Valley's mother first started dating, she would get deathly ill. She ended up in the hospital, just like Valley here. Now, maybe it was a deeper medical issue, I'm not really sure. But, now that I think about it... I never asked what happened to her. All I know is that she was sick right after she met him. I wouldn't be surprised if it was some type of poison or something." He said with a shrug, causing my mind to instantly explode. Would he do something like that? My stomach churned as the thoughts of my fucked up past were closing in on me. "Can I ask you something?" He asked, forcing me to escape the deep thoughts of my personal hell. "Why haven't you told her?" My eyes widened in horror as I looked at her best friend. He stared through me, or what it felt through me. Did he know about my families past? Had she told him everything? But... he couldn't possibly know about him being my dad... right?

"What do you-" I cleared my throat, "What do you mean?"

"Why haven't you told her you loved her? Why haven't you made her your girlfriend?" I sighed, thanking whoever was out there. I shifted my eyes to the beauty that laid on the bed. "I know she looks sick right now... but, I'm just curious."

"I do love her," I admitted, shocking myself now. Randy looked surprised, probably at the fact that I had actually said it aloud. I looked down to my cell phone that rested on my lap, not wanting to look him in the face anymore. "I haven't asked... or even told her..." I sighed, "Because I feel it's just not the right time. Plus, I'm scared of her rejecting me. I've never really experienced this level of love before..."

"Well, don't you think she should be allowed to make that choice?" He asked, his brow raised in question. I hated how fucking smart this asshole was.


"I can't believe you thought I was taking drugs." Valerie groaned, sitting up once more. I offered a smile, squeezing her hand squeezing tightly as Randy and his father stood there awkwardly. Hours had gone by, causing the early morning to creep upon us. I hadn't slept a wink though. How could I?

"I didn't think you were on drugs, but if you saw me on the floor, wouldn't you be concerned?" the officer asked, his arms crossed. Valerie sighed, resting her head upon her pillow.

"Just, I'm not taking anything. I'm not like that... I don't know what's wrong with me." Her voice sounded defeated as she rubbed the side of her temple with her free hand. I squeezed her hand gently, causing her to look to me with a small smile. "I guess the tox screen will tell you that though."

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