I was more concerned about Julian than Josh, though they were both very...eccentric. Julian was strapped all over with different daggers and knives– around his legs, arms, and waist. He claimed it was for my protection, but I wasn't so sure about that. However, they were both extremely clumsy and goofy, reminding me of myself.

It was hard to believe they were my supposed 'bodyguards' that Damon assigned to protect me. But I knew I shouldn't judge a person by their appearance. I mean, Mr. Meyers, my landlord was okay, right?

I took that back as I shuddered. I was grateful I would never have to run into him again.

"You two are just pulling my leg," I groaned as I tugged on my hair.

Josh and Julian snickered before giving me falsely innocent expressions.

"We would do no such thing, ma'am. We are professionals and take our jobs very seriously. Mr. Monroe wouldn't have put us in charge for nothing! We're the best of the best!" Josh claimed as he puffed his chest out.

"So out of all the guards here, you guys are the best?" I asked doubtfully.

They sensed my tone and gawked at me in shock.

"Look at us, we're gorgeous! Lean and fit, we can destroy anything that comes our way! I've defeated ninjas in Japan, completed an obstacle course from American Ninja Warrior, and I can balance on one foot!" Julian gloated.

I raised a brow at the last comment and ninja theme. I would've been concerned with his statement if I hadn't spent the day with these two. I had a feeling these interactions were normal for them.

"You haven't fought any ninjas! You're just trying to impress her!" Josh said with a smirk, and Julian scowled.

"Like you can even fight a ninja," Julian snapped and Josh's left eye twitched.

Sensing the sudden tension between the brothers, I attempted to interrupt.

"Uh, guys? I don't think–"

"I can fight a ninja. In fact, I am a ninja." Josh stood up and Julian did the same before moving to the lawn for more space.

"Prove it!" Julian gloated as they both made ridiculous ninja-like poses.

I waved my hands frantically to get their attention.

"Guys, this isn't a good idea! It's pretty icy and I don't want you to slip."

There was a small flurry this afternoon so the lawn was also wet.

Julian waved me off. "It's fine ma'am. Let's see who the real ninja is!" They both gave loud cries before charging each other.

I covered my eyes so as to not see the scene unfold.

I cringed as I heard flesh meet and different playful cries. Knowing they weren't truly fighting calmed my racing heart.

They're just wrestling. Everything is fine, Rosaline.

Hearing a high pitched scream and a splat, I peeked through my fingers. My eyes widened at seeing a muddy Josh and Julian. They must have slipped and found a large mud puddle.

"Damn it! It's cold!" Josh cursed as his teeth started to chatter. Julian glared at his twin before standing up and shaking his entire body like a wet dog.

I stared as Josh tried to use Julian to pull himself up, for them both to fall back down. I couldn't hold back anymore. The ridiculousness of the situation made me throw my head back in laughter. I caught myself before I fell over in my chair as I basked in the joy I felt. I held my stomach as a large grin covered my face. It took me a few minutes to calm down as I saw the twins looking at me warmly. Then they looked behind me with a scowl.

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