You find out your with child

Start from the beginning

Bran Stark-

You knocked on the door to Master Sam's chambers. The healer opened the door a smile on his face. "Lady Y/N What can I do for you," Smiled the master of Winterfell. "May I come in," you asked surveying your surroundings. "Of course come in have a seat," directed the healer. "Is everything okay," Sam asked? "Yes well, I think so I just have been feeling strange as of late," You answer. "What do you mean," The former nights watchmen asked? "I am sickly randomly but fine at other times my feet and hands are swollen and my feet and back ache occasionally certain foods I can't even smell or look at without emptying my stomach and I don't know if they're connected or not but I think I have gained weight because my corset won't fit any longer I am rather forgetful these days and I always want to sleep on top of always having to use the chamber pot I long for foods that I never used to like my head hurts quite often I can hardly empty my bowels a good amount of time I get dizzy often I am always hot my breast are swollen and aching," You ramble. "Okay, I think I know the problem let me double check though," The man instructs softly. The Tarley man walked across the room to his bookshelf. You watched his eyes move back and forth before landing on a book. "Here it is," He cheered to himself. You didn't see the title but you watch Sam open it to the table of contents. His finger ran down the book landing on the section he needed. His hands flipped the page to the section. You studied him as he read it. His lips moved with every word he read silently and his head nodded with the information he received. He closed the book and put it away before rejoining you. "This is gonna sound weird when I ask you this when was the last time you had you moons blood," The healer asked? You raced through your brain collecting the information. "Three months," You answer. The information snapped in your mind as soon as the words left your lips. "You are with child congratulations," congratulates the master. "Thank you, Sam, I have to go find my husband I'll catch up with you later tell Gilly and Sam I said hello," You rambled before scurrying down the road and towards the weirwood tree.

Theon Greyjoy-

You lied in Theon's arms with your head on his chest. A loud bang echoed off the thick wooden door of you and your husband's shared chambers. Groaning you pull away from your husband and stand up. You step into your nightdress as the ward yells out, "Just a minute!" "Let me get it set down," The greyjoy instructs quietly slipping on a pair of paints. Theon walked over to the door swinging it open to reveal Robb and Sansa. "This where the two of you ran off to," Robb scold. "Shut it Stark your only jealous you don't have a wife as perfect as mine," Brags your husband. A smile grows on your face but only a short moment later your head was hanging over the chamber pots emptying the contents of your stomach. All three of there heads followed you a look of worry and sympathy written on there faces. "I see Y/N is ill I will tell father at once so he gives you the day off," Robb explains. "And I will get the master as well alert the cook to bring you a glass of cool water and soup," Offers your best friend. "I am fine please don't fret I am okay that has just been happening randomly I am much better now you boys go on," You ease there concerns before instructing. You grabbed a glass of water gargling it and cleaning your mouth. You spit the water out as Theon groaned before grabbing his tunic and pulling it over his head. Your husband walked over to you placing a quick kiss to your lips before exiting with his best friend. "Y/N/N (Your Nickname) be honest are you alright you can tell me anything," The auburn-haired girl asked? "I honestly don't know but I don't want to worry anybody," You answer honestly walking over to the wardrobe and pulling out your corset. You placed it on and tried to tie it but couldn't tie it completely. Giving up with a groan you untie it and set it back in the wardrobe. "What is the problem," The stark asked? "My corset doesn't fit anymore," You answer angrily. "I wasn't talking about that but so what," replies Eddard Starks oldest daughter. "Oh well I get nauseous sometimes in the morning or at night and but I'm fine the rest of the day some foods even foods that I love makes me sick the second I smell it my body aches my feet and hands are swollen sometimes I have back pain I am always forgetting things I have no energy I always have to empty my  bladder my breast are tender and swollen I long for foods that are weird and I use to hate my head hurts a lot I am constipated a good amount of time I get dizzy quite easily I am always hot," You explain. "How long has this been going on," Sansa asked concerned. "I don't quite remember like 4 months," You add to the conversation. "And you belly slowly grew over these 4 moons," Sansa clarifies. "Yep," You answer pulling out a dress. "When is your last moons blood," The Stark asked? "Um 4 moons why," You asked scrunching your face in confusion. "Because it sounds like your with child," The tully/Stark explained bluntly. "Oh my god Sansa your right I will have to check with the master to be sure but I believe you are correct and that I truly am expecting," You gasp. "Oh, my congratulations Y/N/N you are going to be the best mother and I will be the perfect aunt," Squealed your best friend.

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