Chapter Twenty Eight

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Andres has evidently left when I enter the house. I walk upstairs to the bedroom and note that his side of the closet is empty, along with all his toiletries missing from the bathroom. I sit on the dressing chair and sigh. New tears find their way out of my red eyes. He really is gone. I sit and think, did I make the right choice?

I sit in the room for another ten minutes and finish my second sob fest before making my way back downstairs. I look at the mess in the great room and main kitchen. I leave to go to the other part of the house, the empty side. Andres and I were supposed to furnish the entertainment area together. This serves as confirmation that he really has left. I make my way back to the great room, and spot a folded piece of paper on the coffee table, it has to be from Andres.

I take the letter, grab a bottle of whiskey from the kitchen and walk back outside to the pool. The rain has lightened to a gentle drizzle. I sit down by the pool and dip my clothed legs into the water, not really caring anymore.

I sigh and laugh at my situation. I have everything I could ever want, more than necessary, yet here I am sitting in a pool, wearing a ruined Armani, holding a cheap bottle of whiskey and a letter.

I clumsily open the bottle, slicking my hand on the protective wire as I pull it off the cap. It stings but I ignore the pain. I take a long swing from the bottle, ignoring the disgusting taste. I scrunch my nose. I open the letter, trying to not let it get too wet in the rain.


I messed up, I know. I never meant to break your heart, I swear. I know I don't deserve you forgiveness. I should have been honest with you from the start. I shouldn't have let you believe that what we had was the same as when we were in high school. I should have told you that I didn't feel the same way about you anymore, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I couldn't break your heart like I did when I left for Canada, so I started dating Patricia in secret.

You deserve someone better Sage, someone who will care for you better, who will treat you better.

You weren't a toy Sage, I did love you. I just fell out of love with you. It wasn't your fault, it was mine. Please don't be too hard on yourself, you are perfect.


I look up from the badly written letter, up at the sky, letting the cold raindrops fall on my hot face. I feel physically, emotionally and mentally drained. I take a few more swigs from the bottle, feeling myself get drunk. My phone rings in my pocket but I make no move to answer it, I don't have the energy.

The bottle is about three quarters done when I barely hear the front door rattle, I don't move. I hear it open and then shut after a few seconds.

The rain is so calming.

'Sage, where are you?' Hunter sounds worried, I don't answer. He will find me eventually. Wallowing in my own pit of sadness 'Sage!'

'Sage what are you doing, you are going to get sick!' Hunter rushes to my side, I don't make a move. He sits down beside me, pulling the legs of his pants up slightly.

'Are you okay?' he asks cautiously, I shake my head. I open my eyes and look at the bottle in my hand and notice the deep gash. Blood is dripping down my hand into the blue water of the pool, creating crimson clouds. I take a swig.

Hunter sees the cut on my hand, 'Sage, jeez, you're bleeding how did you get cut?' he starts to sound frantic.

I shrug, not really able to remember.

'Sage, talk to me. How much have you had to drink? Oh goodness I think you need stitches.' He pulls out his phone, probably to call for help.

I shrug and take another swig.

'Okay, that's enough.' He gently takes the bottle from my hand, his voice back to calm and gentle. He pulls my bleeding hand towards himself and pours the rest of the bottle directly onto the wound, I don't even register the stinging, focusing on his voice.

'This needs to be stitched, where is your phone?'

I know he is asking me questions to help me focus, he has his own phone. Nevertheless I reach into my pocket and pull out my device, but it slips and falls directly into the water below. Hunter barely has time to think as I suddenly feel lightheaded and very dizzy. My vision begins to fade. I hear Hunter dropping the bottle as he moves to catch me. I feel his long hands wrap around my body, pulling me towards him. I put all of my weight onto him too fast and he loses balance, we both fall into the pool. I remember smelling something powdery. 


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