Chapter Nineteen

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As I drive, Hunter and I get to know each other better. It's sort of a long drive and talking does fill up the deafening silence that would have filled the vehicle otherwise.

'So, Priya?' I ask gently.

Hunter laughs, 'Christian's wife. I swear he is so over protective over her, she could have taken an Uber home.'

'He seems to be very protective?'

'You have no idea, he is three years older so he tends to want to make sure everything is okay with his baby brother, I don't mind though. Christian and I are closer than most brothers, he doesn't like any one messing with me. When I left the business to study law, he was my number one supporter.' Hunter, his eyes crinkling again.

I coo, 'Is that why you guys stay together?' I ask, I feel comfortable around Hunter, he seems very open and homely.

'I don't live with my brother, well technically I do, but we live together in the house we grew up in. When my parents passed they left the house to the two of us, we just both decided to continue living there since we both didn't want to move and we were most certainly not going to sell,' he says easily.

'That's better than selling, in my line of business I have seen many siblings fight over property I was hired to sell. Many wanted the money while some wanted the property. I wouldn't be able to sell my parents' home back in Australia, it holds too many memories. They wanted too, when they relocated to the USA, but I didn't let them.'

The entirety of our journey continues with the same type of conversation. I learn that both his parents died in a car wreck and that he and his brother were both supposed to work in Truair communications and IT, the company their father started, however, he wanted to develop something on his own and thus studied law and opened his own firm.

I also learn that Hunter has a wonderful personality, he likes to laugh and is very jokey. Laughter is persistent throughout our trip.

When we reach the pub Andres is supposedly at, I have tears running down my cheek due to one of Hunters cheeky comment. Keeping one hand on the wheel I use the other to wipe the tears out of my eyes and search for Andres' car.

I spot the blue vehicle close to the middle of the parking lot.

'You take my car back, I'll find Andres.' I tell Hunter as I pull into the available spot next to Andres' car.

'You sure you will be fine?' Hunter asks, concerned.

'Yup it's not my first rodeo.' I smile and exit the car.

I may my way across the parking lot and enter the bar. A blast of warm air and nauseatingly stale alcohol invades my node and I cringe.

I scan the semi empty area, looking for Andres. It isn't hard to find him, where he is seated at a table with a small group of men.

'Andres.' I tap his shoulder when I reach him, the men at the table look at me weak eyed. 'Hey guys.' They slur their greetings back at me, the least intimidating group of men I have encountered.

Andres looks at me confused.

'I told you I was going to pick you up, remember?' he thinks for a minute and then shakes his head. 'Let's go.'

'Can't I stay a few more minutes?' he asks me childishly.

'I'm sorry Andy, I really don't have the time. I have to go back to work.'

He makes a face but gets up nonetheless, he then bids his farewell to his buddies and I lead him towards the door. He looks angry, for what reason I do not know.

He wobbles beside me as I hold onto his waist, for support as we reach the door.

'I don't remember where I parked,' he says as we reach the parking lot.

'I do,' I say as I try and keep my calm. Getting angry with Andres now will only lead to him getting angrier, and an angry Andres is a violent Andres, 'Can I have the keys please?'


I reach into his pocket and we walk over to the car, more of me supporting Andres as we walk towards the car. When we reach the vehicle and unlock the doors and open the passenger side and carefully unwrap his arm from around my shoulders. I gently help him onto the seat and pull the safety belt around him.

When Andres is all secured I run around to the driver's side and hop on. I start the car and pull out of the spot.

I look over to Andres as I drive and see that he is falling asleep, I huff. I don't like drunk Andres, his behavior is always unpredictable. Sometimes he can be silent and calm, and sometimes he tends to want to be in power, of everything.

When I see that Andres has fallen asleep I accelerate quickly wanting to get him home as soon as possible, as I need to return to work as soon as possible.

When I finally reach the estate, I see Hunter leaning against my car on the driveway, waiting for me.

'Thanks for waiting for me Hunter,' I tell him as I Jump out of the car and make my way to the passenger side.

'No problem, need any help with Mr. Von here?' Hunter says with a smile.

'Nah, I've got this,' I tell him honestly. I open the door and lean into the car and pick up a sleeping Andres, bridal style and carry him towards the house.

Hunter take the keys and opens the front door for me, where he waits while I take Andres upstairs.

When I reach our bedroom, I set Andres down on the bed and remove his tie, shoes and belt. As I start to take his coat off him he reaches up and grabs my hand pulling me towards him.

'No Andres. You are drunk!' I tell him as I toss the belt onto the floor.

When he lets go I realize that he is still asleep.

I throw a cover over him and head out of the room closing the door behind me.

When I make my way downstairs, Hunter is still waiting for me at the door. 'I wrote down Christian and my numbers so please don't hesitate to call any one of us if you ever need any help,' he says kindly, as he hands me a piece of paper.

I take the paper from him, 'Thank you, hopefully there isn't a repeat of today. It was embarrassing.' I turn red.

'No worries, I'll see you later Sage.' And he leaves.

I make my way to the kitchen and pour myself a glass of water which I gulp down before exiting the house as well. I look out at the ocean, the tide will be in soon, and that's when the roughness starts.

When I exit the house I send Andres a message before I drive off, back to the office.

'Hey, I came back to the office. Let me know if you need anything.' 


wattpad doesnt let me use the actual fonts i use for handwriting and texts...

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