not only you

but maybe some of my "friends" too

and like you

they hurt me

but they don't let me hurt me

and you don't know i'm hurting

to stop me from hurting

and that's why i hate you

but still i love you so much i cry

the cloud accompanies my cry

and when my tears fall down

and my heart aches

just know that the sky and clouds cry

the raindrops that fall over you

are my tears falling for you

and when the sky cries

i cry with her too

the birds stop singing

and they stop consoling the poor sky

that helps them fly

and they run from her to let the sky cry

and when the clouds come

to hide her tears from the world

but it seeps through

she doesn't want attention

and everyone hates her

because her tears fall forever

is that what they say?

they say heaven opened up

but they never said heaven accepts her to go up there

they say the hurricanes are accidents

and the tornado is nothing to them


the hurricanes is the pain that builds up inside

and the tornado

the thoughts that turn her mind

the thoughts that destroyed her life

but it ain't her fault and they still blame her

so why should she always be there for them

the animals have turned against her

nature just destroy her

the humans just rip her apart

and the earth doesn't heal her

like a mother heals her child

so why is she called mother earth?

whom did she heal and when did she help?

when did she save and when did she hold tight?

when did she smile at the sky?

when did she ever look her in the eyes?

why did she hurt her sad lonely child?

and why did she let her child die?

the death nobody wants

the suicide of her daughter who was remembered as sky

replaced so quickly by day

night didn't see

someone who was happy

replaced someone sad

someone who smiled

replaced someone who cried

someone who died replaced by life

but night started having secrets too

a secret just like sky did

night cried sometimes in remembrance of his lost love

the stars comforted him

and he remembered the nights sky consoled him of his troubles

the nights where long after sky had gone

and the stars twinkled and shone

the moon replacing sun

told night that pain would heal over time

do you know what night said?

"if pain healed over time

why is sky not alive?"

the moon glowed in shame

and turned away

because of that night

night himself joined his lost love

but you see

the only difference between sky and me

is that sky was loved

and i am just left alone to cry

with the tears that fall through the sky

do you want to know where the story came from

the story of sky

it came from my soul

just after the rain outside no longer fall

and sky's tears stopped

tonight i look up at the sky

the ghost of a sky and i plead

"take me"

sky looks down at me and opens her arms

she hugs me tight

and i hug her back

and the last thing she told me was


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