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when it rains

i smile at sky

hugging her until there is no pain

her cries of thunder

course through my heart

and the demons shriek

and then they start

i'm worthless



i don't need to live

i don't want to live

her tears run to my skin

over my cuts and scars

under my skin

where soul meets heart

her wails of lightening

peirces through me, tears me apart

my heart is in tatters

i am lost

my soul is shattered

my heart defrosts

i cross my heart and hope to die

in my bed i silently cry

no tears are shed

but my skin cries red

like wine

i look for a tendril or a sign

of my emotions

once my sovereigns.

when it snows

i know sky's heart

that once had beat

that no longer starts

her heart has frozen

her soul has risen

she is peaceful

and yet they enjoy her,

when she's gone

spring yet awakens

the world is alive

the flowers bloom

and the bees have hives

yet still i look towards the sky

kissing the air

with a breathless goodbye

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