Narrator's pov

They say when Magnus was 14 years old he killed his tribe's Chief and family to take the village for himself. Magnus's entire family mysteriously disappeared during a family trip, weird that he was the only one to survive though.

When he turned 15 his village named him the new Chief after he finished his training. By the time he was 20 his entire village was gone, everyone was dead. Magnus had made a deal  with the Truberus tribe that if they let him be their Chief then he will lead them to victory by taking down every one of their enemies.

Unfortunately Magnus's people betrayed him by telling the other tribes what was happening. So Magnus decided to punish all of them by sentencing them death. He sent all kids under 16 to an island that brainwashes them into thinking that all tribes except the Truberus which is the tribe they got transferred into are evil. That they should eliminate all other tribes. But fortunately for us Magnus was stopped by Freya herself when she dragged Magnus underground and his army was taken out with him. 

15 years later there was a HUGE earthquake that split an island that was 4 times bigger than Dragons Edge in two. And after that many islands started disappearing literally! They all just disappeared into thin air. Many thought that it was sorcery, but it was certainly from Magnus.  He somehow found a way to get into the Dark Realm and break Morgana free for her help to finish what he started and to bring back his people from the dead. But there was a price if Morgana was gonna help him. Morgana needed Hiccup Haddock to suffer before his destined demised. 

So everything that has happened to Hiccup Haddock was all set up by Morgana. From being shot down by Berkians to fighting Magnus to save himself. Morgana had planned everything, now was the time for Hiccup's life to end. IF Magnus succeeds in killing Hiccup. 

At first Morgana wanted Hiccup to suffer the pain of being alone by killing his true love, Astrid. Then killing all his other friends, so that he felt so alone and discourage that it will be easy to kill Hiccup. But plans have changed and Morgana decided Hiccup should die early because she just couldn't wait. 

"Prepare to die Hiccup Haddock" Magnus shouted walking closer to Hiccup.

"If I go down I'm taking both of you with me" 

Without hesitation Magnus charged at Hiccup with his battle cry. As their swords clashed with each other both of them felt a shiver run down their spines. While Hiccup was distracted Magnus took this chance to kick Hiccup in the gut. Hiccup groaned and held his stomach from the hit. As Magnus was about to cut Hiccup with his sword, Hiccup quickly grabbed his inferno and used it to block it. 

To Magnus he thought he was winning, but boy was he wrong. Even though it may look like Hiccup is playing defense, he was actually taking the time to carefully examine Magnus for his weak spots. Everyone has a weak spots, Hiccup will always take advantage of that. That's how Hiccup always wins in fights. While most vikings use their strength and size to win, Hiccup uses his brains. Something most vikings lack.

While the two were fighting Astrid, Emma and the others were trying to find Toothless and Hiccup. Astrid and Emma were desperate, they would anything to protect Hiccup. Astrid is in love with Hiccup but if he dies before she could tell him. History would have repeated. 

While Emma still didn't like Astrid, she could tell Astrid truly cared for Hiccup. And that was just enough to earn Astrid her trust. Although if Astrid EVER betrayed Hiccup, she would drown Astrid without a thought. 

Emma and Hiccup have a strong bond that happens over time. They are like two peas in a pod, inseparable. Emma and Hiccup are like brothers and sisters. But when Hiccup started getting to know her, she reminded him a lot of Astrid. Both were strong, beautiful, brave, stubborn and always getting what they want. 

Viking RUNAWAY {HICCSTRID} (UNDER MAJOR REWRITING)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن