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why was tj talking to me, that i can't answer. "scary basketball guy?" he smiled, "actually its tj, chocolate chocolate chip muffin, right?" i chuckle a bit "i know, and cyrus."

he gets on the swing next to me and just started swinging really high. i laugh swinging with him but not even half as high as him. "come on, swing higher!" i shake my head, "this is as high as i go!" he jumps off his swing and runs behind me.

uh oh. he grabs my swing and pushs me really high, then does the underdog. i actually laugh, it isn't so bad. i stop myself before i die though, "wanna go again?" i shake my head "no thank you!"

"whatever you say." then his eyes widen. "i have to go, catch you later underdog." he tries to get away, leaving me in confusion until buffy runs up. "no wait, tj can we please talk." then she looks at me. "alone."

i smile, "you know where to find me," then something in me makes me turn toward tj,  "and so do you.'


that night i couldn't get tj off my mind. i wanted to help him. i wanted to be his friend. but buffyhated him so wasn't it against the rules? i can't lose buffy.

buffy is my best friend, i mean i can't chose between her and andi of course. but me and buffy are really close. i probably shouldn't overthink this anyways.

tj doesn't want to be friends with me. that would be like jonah wanting to be with me.  i really don't know why i used jonah there. my gosh he's always on my mind.

in all honesty i don't know how much i even like jonah anymore. he is with andi, she's happy, when we are talking or close to each other my heart still races as always though. i shouldn't be dealing with this in middle school.

i just want to focus on friends. my friends, and new ones. maybe me and tj could be friends. i really hoped so.


Authors note;

first chapter! whoop whoop!

~Aj 👽

scary basketball guy | tyrusМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя