Important NEWS! (Please read!) It can happen on your life

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Let be this a lesson to everyone (PLEASE READ)

We all got in trouble earlier. Including me. This can happen on you life.

Last week was our examination day. So we all review hard. Not letting anyone to bother us cause we all wanted to pass. Wednesday came and our first test we took was Technology Livelihood and Education, which is short for TLE. In the last part of that test made us all angry at our teacher on that sunbject. So our president told our adviser that the last part didn't discuss to us. So the adviser told us the answer, but we didn't know that sir was testing us.

On Saturday on our GC our classmate said sorry. Of course we all got confuse. We told him why. He said that he told the truth that we all cheated which made us flipping scared and worried for our adviser. He told us that he and our teacher in TLE had a talk that he will observe us. I was about to cry but didn't after he told us it was only a joke.

On Sunday after want happened on Saturday, the one we observe us was telling the truth! We all got scared more and we are afraid that our adviser will loss the job and we will be given a punishment. Even worst! What if our teacher in TLE texted our parents!

Then earlier came. It was now our TLE time. We all seated down and saw sir with a angry and disappointment look. We all knew we are in such in big trouble. Since our president is not in the room and was excuse for she has training to do in broad casting we all quite down. He gave us our test paper then said. "I thought I can trust you all" he said disappointment. "It is ok for me that you all will have a low grades. It's my problem and not yours" he said. "I already knew that you all cheated when I check your papers on Friday. How? You all have perfect score on test IV." we all quite down. "The other section had low score and none of them pass but this... you all pass because you all cheat. To prove I am right, your classmate and I had a talk to observe you all while taking the test. But seeing his test on the last part he also cheated. I am right?" our classmate who became a spy nod with disappointment. "You are all zero in this quarter exam". After 30 minutes pass with sadness and quietness filled the room he finally ask me. I was shaking with fear. I tool a deep breath. "Do you think you deserve the grade you got?" he ask me. I am the only one who answered the question. I told him "No. I didn't deserve it cause I know to myself that I got this score in a wrong way, cheating. Even though I reviewed it by searching it on the internet, the next day I forgot" I said and sited down. I was still shaking but manage still to smile. Then he ask all of us that who agreed to make their grade in this exam zero. I was the only one who rise but I was confidence. I agreed cause I don't deserve what I get. "So their is only one" he said. "You know, I can call your parents on what you all did" "Good thing that I didn't let the principle know this". After that he left. When I got home I was very scared that what if he did message my mom and told her what we all did. I am dead for sure.

So the lesson is that:

Never cheated or else their will be a punishment to you. Never do anything wrong even if they will result a good way but at the end of it, their will be an exchange to your wrong deeds. Like my father said to us three siblings "I don't care if you have a low grades that only matter to me is that you learn something and that's the important part"

Thanks for reading this. This is a true story so just don't copy what we did. This is not a joke.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2018 ⏰

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