Chapter 4 (part 1)

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Sup guys. Someone asking me to update even though I just updated chapter 3. So here you go. Chapter 4. Enjoy it and please vote. I will very appreciate it. And comment below if you like this book.

Claire POV
"I was wondering, who is your friend that you are talking about and what problem you both face that the reason you became enemy" I ask. He was quite when...

"Well... If you say so. It's...


Really. I was thinking more like Notch or Steve or random people. Well yeah Steve and Notch is Herobrine enemy. But Herobrine!

"I know it hard to believe that Herobrine and I was friend before. But we had a deal to not talk about it anymore" he said facing the floor. I felt sorry for both of them, especially from Herobrine. I will never run away from him if he just tell me he had a bad past from Entity

"It's alright if you don't want to tell me" I said putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Well I really want to tell you. I was just waiting for the perfect time. But I guess it's the perfect time now that you know we are both enemy" he said and I started listening on his story.

Enity POV
Well here we go. I saw Claire facing at me if she is ready to listen. I breath in and out finding the courage to tell her.

"It all started when I was young. I never known my parents. I grown up in the wild. Animals didn't eat me or hurt me but instead they take care of me. Even though I was take care by animals. I always wanted to learn how human walk and what food they eat. While I was walking on the woods with my friends Buddy the oldest wolf , Janna the second wolf, Derby the youngest of the tree. They are siblings and became my friends when they help me not being drown on the river.

"Hey Buddy do you want the bone" I said showing him the bone I found. He nod and wiggle his tail. "Alright. Catch" I said as he started following and finding the bone. When I felt someone on my leg to see Janna.

"What do you want Janna?" I ask as I was looking for Buddy if he found the bone. Janna push my leg to the direction of the bone that I throw. "No Janna. Buddy must find the bone. How about this" I said grabbing a stick to throw. To bad I don't know what they are saying only few words. When I heard whipping on the distance. Or a crying wolf. "Wait your telling me that Buddy was hurt. Come on! We need to help him" I said as we follow Buddy cry. "Don't worry Buddy! We are coming" I yelled. When reach I saw Buddy was stack on the tree. "How did you get up there?!" when I saw on his mouth the bone I throw.

Derby the youngest of them all climb the tree to help his brother. And Janna started following him. While I was looking a way to go up there. "Janna, Derby help your brother. I will came back soon!" I yelled and they both nod. They continue to climb while I was looking for help from the forest.

"Came on! Why is no one here!" I said when I herd a boom on the distance. "What the-" "It's sounds like a gun. Hunters!" I said as I went back to the tree where my friends are but they are now surrounded by hunters. "Hey hunters! Pick on your own size!" I yelled

"Like you" one of them said that is wearing a blue T-shirt, purple pants, short brown hair and has crystal blue eyes. "Boss. The other one is stack one the tree. Do you think that it's skin is best to made clothes" other one said. "Fire the one that is stack and the two let's make them our dinner" said their suppose to be their boss.

"Fire!" someone said when I heard the cry was quite. "Noooo!!!" I yelled. Then one by one my friends was shoot and I didn't do anything to save them. "That was easy" the one they called boss. "Come on. Grab them and let's go back" he said. I can't move on place, I want them to suffer for what they did. But I just can't. Tears are falling on the ground as rain drops form the sky. I guess another storm is coming. When someone kick me as I hit the tree. "Well well well. Isn't the guy that talk to our boss. You know you are different. Maybe do you want to join our team" he said. He was wearing a green T-shirt that is no w cover with mad, dirty blue pants and muddy boots. He has short black hair and brown eyes.

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