Finding The Boy-Brendon

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~Saturday Morning~
Dallon's POV
So... I add this, then this, and... stir? How the hell do you make Mac and Cheese?!

"Fucking impossible..." I grumble.

I turn off the stove and lazily walk over to the tv.

I flick it on, looks like I'm watching the news.

"A looks to be, sixteen year old boy has escaped an orphanage. Police found him three weeks ago with wolves, they all assume the boy was raised by wolves," the news lady reads.

"They found out his name is Brendon, he doesn't know English, he only knows what dogs know,"

"sit, up, down, lay down and roll over, the people at the orphanage have taught him that. If you see Brendon please contact the cops, he looks like this," they then show a picture. They clearly washed him up and gave him some clothes.

What the fuck are they gonna do?

The poor boy just wants to be free but they got em on the news.

He's been on the news to many times to count, they must be desperate.

I shut off the tv and hear someone laugh.

What the fuck.

I stand up, more laughing.

I follow the laughter.

It gets louder, I enter the kitchen, I look through the patio door. There was a boy.

A teenager.

It's Brendon.

The boy- Brendon, giggles and rolls around in the grass chasing a butterfly.

The teenager lets out a playful growl, he looks so... happy. Unlike me.

I have to let him inside, I don't want to be one of those people who keep animals- not saying he an animal,

but for now he's staying with me.

Unless I can't handle him.

I open the door, he stood and stares at me, Brendon backs up and whimpers.

He actually whimpered, like a dog.

"N-No it's okay, come here boy, come on Brendon," what the fuck am I doing?

Brendon begins to slowly crawl over to me, wolves taught this guy well.

Next thing I know, he's right in front of me, I bend down and he growls a bit.

I can't believe he can make a pretty realistic growl.

I take a step back and bend down, maybe... maybe he's like a dog? I mean wolves and dogs, same thing basically.


I stick my hand out, he surprisingly sniffs it, Brendon nudges my hand and I pet him.

This is so fucked up.

I stand up and he looks at me with big eyes, Brendon grabs into my wrist and pulls himself up.

He's now standing in front of me ever to close. Too close.

Brendon goes on his tippy toes and tries to get to my level.

I can't help but chuckle at this, Brendon seems pretty cute.

He places his hands on my shoulders, I stand there like an idiot totally confused.

Brendon is now jumping up, I couldn't just let him fall, I hold him, he wraps his legs around my waist and giggles.

"B-Bren, Brendon," Brendon moves back a bit and relies on my strength. He points at himself as he says his name.

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