Dealing With The Idiot!

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A/N I just want to thank ya'll for reading this book, it means a lot, all the love and support I get makes me feel very proud of myself, it means so much to me I can't express it. You people who have stuck with me or joined this book club (Hehehehe) always read right when I update and it means a lot to me. Enjoy this update! Thank you for everything!


Brendon walks into his least favourite school. Then again this is his second school he's ever been in.

Bren walks into class, he plops down next to Bob. "Hey B," Bob greets. Brendon mumbles a "hi, Bob."

He was not happy to be back in this hell hole. Bob chuckles a bit.

"So you and Dallon has fun huh?" Bob raises his eyebrows up and down with a smirk. Brendon nods, he smiles a bit thinking about his beautiful boyfriend.

"Yeah... how did you know, what if I had a horrible time?"

"Well, you have hickeys all over your neck and at the mall you were limping so fucking much. You still are!" Brendon raises an eyebrow.

"We're talking about sex? I thought- what? Dally and I had fun hanging out, why're you bringing up sex?" Bob mentally facepalms.

"Never mind Bren, never mind..." Brendon shrugs it off. The bell rings and class begins.

~Le Break :D~

Brendon's sitting in his next class, he's texting Dallon and giggling a shit tone.

Dally🧸: Oh shush Bren, you're being a bully

Bren🌚: NOOOOO!!!! Dalloooon! I'm just sying that we cold hav had sex when I could ramambr!

Dally🧸: ily and everything but I was NOT ready babe.

Bren🌚: Buttttt

Dally🧸: fAcEpAlM

Brendon was about to reply but Sebastian walks into the class.

"Oh hey slut."


What's a slut?

Brendon tilts his head to the side. Seb rolls his eyes.

"Did your precious little Dally do that?" Brendon nods and smiles. Sebastian was very confused.

"It's pathetic what he's done, it is, really, look at that bad job he's done," Brendon laughs.

"At least my date actually shows his love... are you even dating?" Sebastian was taken back.

"Yes, but I'm not a bottom unlike you!"

"You're gay?"


"But you said, you're not a bottom, which means you're a top. You're gay. Because you said, I'm not a bottom unlike you! And if you were dating a girl, you couldn't be a bottom-"

"Shut the fuck up!" He growls out.

Brendon rolls his eyes and scoff.

"Excuse me?!"

"Scuse me, could you please leave?" Brendon says, he remembers hanging out with Tyler and anytime he got pissed, he would shout that on the top of his lungs.

Man, Tyler's a great role model.

Taught him, FUCK OFF! FUCK YOU! FUCK! And now, scuse me, could you please leave?

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