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Jimin looked in the mirror studying his reflection. His parents were right about a lot of things.

He was useless, always leaning on others for help, he always cried and wasn't strong to defend himself. Lastly he was short.

"Move it fatty, you're blocking my locker."

Jimin shivered at the memory of Taehyung pushing him aside to get to his locker which was three lockers away.

'He does have a point, I did gain a lot of pounds.' Jimin pouted at his slightly chubby stomach and cheeks. He decided on watching what he ate.

Studying his eyes he saw his brown eyes being complimented with bags starting to form under then as he recently wasn't getting much sleep.

Putting concealer on to cover them he nodded to himself and went to his job.

In order to not be useless Jimin worked a job at a young age at a diner either serving food or cleaning dishes.

It was a lot of work but he didn't mind. The money was his to keep and it helped him to stay away from his family.

"Hey, Jimin." He heard, looking up to the owner, Jung Hoseok. (A/N: Imagine Hoseok is the same age as Namjoon & Jin in this story.) He was a very kind owner. He allowed Jimin to work whatever hours he could plus keep all his tips. He was very lucky to have him as a motherly figure that he didn't have at home.

"Hello, hyung." He smiled.

Going to the back, he changed and started his usual run around the place.

Going back home he felt tired and worn down. His stomach growled but he told himself he wasn't hungry. He wanted to get ready for Saturday. So, he hopped in the shower and quickly got everything ready.

To be honest, he wasn't sure how Yoongi was chosen to be his soulmate. He wasn't complaining but he felt bad. Yoongi was a cool guy at school. If he was seen with such a loser like Jimin, it'll hurt Yoongi's reputation and then he'll get bullied too.

Jimin shivered at the thought of putting him in harm's way. Still, he promised Yoongi he'd go out with him tomorrow. He looked at the text when he was done, quickly asking where he wanted to meet.

Hm... Not really sure. Have any ideas?

Jimin thought, quickly thinking about where he worked. He liked the food there and the people there too. Besides, Hoseok might be nice enough to give them a discount. So he quickly texted about the restaurant.

Sure, sounds good. Want to go for lunch?

Sounds good to me, hyung! ^_^

ee you at 12?

See you at 12, Jimin.

Fast forward and Jimin found himself almost an hour early to the date. To say he was excited was an understatement. Though, he was confused to see Yoongi coming closer with...yellow hair? What was it called? Blond?

Holy shit he looks fucking amazing! And I look like shit! Good job, Jimin! He yelled at himself as Yoongi came to him with a small smile.

"H-Hyung! You dyed your hair! It looks...amazing!" Jimin said, still not able to process the color.

Yoongi smiled, a slight pink on his cheeks, "Thanks Jimin, you look really great too."

Jimin blushed, taking the compliment as he opened the door for Yoongi to go inside. The two sit and look at the menu; well, actually Yoongi looks at the menu while Jimin took this time to study the boy in front of him. He memorized the menu from working here so he'll take what he has.

"Oh, hello Jimin. Who's this?" one of his coworkers, Jinsoo, asked.

"Hello, hyung. This is Yoongi. Yoongi this is my coworker, Jinsoo."

"Coworker? You never told me you worked." Yoongi raised an eyebrow.

"O-Oh well it never came up. Anyways, I'll just take a tea."

Jinsoo nods, writing it down and looking to Yoongi, "And for you?"

"I'll take a coffee, thanks." Jinsoo leaves and it gives time for Yoongi to ask many questions. "Aren't you a bit young to be working?"

Jimin shrugged to this, "I'm a sophomore but the owner here allowed it as he saw I was a hard worker."

"But why do you need to work? I mean, don't you have to focus on your school?" Yoongi asked, a bit confused.

"Well... no, I'm actually pretty good at managing my time. I get my work done either before my shift or after it. No need to worry."

"I don't see how you do it but I guess that's just the junior side of me. My work's all piled up to no degree."

"It must be difficult to be a junior." Jimin said, playing with his fingers.

"Depends on the person. I just don't have motivation to do a lot of stuff. Not a lot of energy and passion."

Jinsoo comes with their drinks and the two order. Jimin orders a salad because he has to worry about his weight and Yoongi gets some chicken pasta plate that Jimin honestly doesn't remember how to say it.

"Your just getting a salad? Are you a vegan? Not that there's anything wrong with being vegan, I just want to know." Yoongi then asked when Jinsoo left.

"No, I'm just not that hungry." Jimin chuckled.

Yoongi tilted his head to the side but let it slide.

Their food came in no time and the two ate. They had some small talk about their classes and the teachers you should watch out for and then Jimin had a question he was curious about.

"Say, Yoongi? I know this is kinda a weird question and you don't have to answer it... but, why do you hang with Taehyung and Jackson?"

Yoongi sipped some of his coffee, putting the mug down in silence. "Oh...they're friends of mine. We've grown up together in the same area. Why?"

Jimin shrugged, "Just was curious why you hung out with them. They're bullies and both are very rude... No offense."

Yoongi chuckled, "That is true, they are rude. That's because that's how they were treated before. I hate to pull the card but you don't know their lives behind the scenes. As I said we live in the city and in horrible conditions."

"But isn't Taehyung super rich?" Jimin asked.

"His family is a bit richer then ours but he's not living in some huge mansion." Yoongi smiled, "But no matter if he's rich or not he doesn't live in the best environment."

"I see... I'm sorry for saying all that, then." Jimin said, feeling a bit bad for all he's thought about the two.

"Don't be. Taehyung and Jackson both don't understand life. They sall bullying worked in middle school so carried it over to high school. I don't fully agree with how they do it but I can't just leave them. They're my friends and they're like brothers to me." Yoongi finished his coffee.

"Well, I think we're done here. Why don't I walk you home?" He asked, paying the bill.

Jimin smiled, leaving tip on the table, "Sure. Thanks for today, Yoongi."

"No problem Jimin. I hope we get to be great couple one day."

"I'm sure we will."

A/N: Another update because I needed a break from all my studying.

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