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After graduation, Yoongi moved out and brought Jimin with him. They went to a psychologist and Jimin started to get better.

The two were silently cuddling on the couch, the day not being good for Jimin.

He applied for a dance job and haven't gotten called yet. "They don't know what they are missing." Yoongi kissed the top of his head.

Jimin hummed, "I just thought that... I don't know. It seemed like they liked me."

"They will. That's unfortunately how they treat everyone. Sorry babe."

He turned the TV on to play a movie. And it was like this for a few weeks. Until one week Jimin ran into the kitchen.

"Yoongi! I got a call earlier!"

Yoongi dropped the food he was starting. "What?"

"I got a call! Oh my gosh Big Hit wants me to come back for a dance trial."

"Really? That's great babe!" Yoongi runs around the counter to hug him.

And Yoongi hugged Jimin, looking at the pure happiness in Jimin's face. The smile he loved. His real smile.

So many emotions crept up inside Yoongi. He wanted to be beside Jimin forever. So, he leaned down to kiss Jimin's forehead.

"I love you."

Jimin smothered his face into Yoongi's chest, "I love you! So very much."

And they stood there hugging until Yoongi smelt his cookies he was baking for later burning. The two frantically took it out, soon laughing at the charcoal mess.

Yoongi brought Jimin in for another kiss, "You have to make up for this."

"What? You were the one who burnt them!" Jimin laughed.

"But you distracted me! How can I ever focus with such an angel in my house?"

Jimin laughed again, "Well you better get used to an angel living here. Or your life will be a living hell."

The two laugh and kiss again. "Sounds like a perfect life for me."

Oh my gosh. I finally figured out how I wanted YoonMins story to 'end'. I am so sorry for basically leaving but life kinda took a course and I was not ready for it. I lost a lot of drive to write and really struggled to finish this. So I apologize for it not being the greatest but I'm happy with it.

I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart that you all stayed with this series. And I apologize for it not updating a lot. Thank you so much for responding. Hope you all have a good one. :)

~ ArtisticWind

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