Chapter Eleven|| Memories

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{Alara's POV}

"So it's done?" Evan asked as he looked up from some papers.

"It's done. No more shifters getting into my mind." I mumbled and he nodded.


"Pack work?" I asked, walking over beside him.

"Yeah... same old shit," he chuckled.

Right then, it reminded me of the much simpler times before my magic was invaded with darkness and my brother was still lurking in the shadows trying to get me away from Evan.

I smiled walking into Evan's office. He was looking over some papers with a serious expression.

"If you think too hard, you might hurt yourself." I joked causing him to look up at me, realizing I was in the room.

He smiled, waving me over. "Pack work?" I asked moving beside him.

"Yeah, same old shit." He chuckled, and reached out grabbing my wrist and pulling me into his lap as I let out a shriek from the sudden pull.

I laughed, wrapping my arms around his neck. "What is my beautiful mate up to today?" He asked with his classic grin.

"Oh you know, hiding from my lunatic brother...the normal." He chuckled, shaking his head.

"I don't know how you find humor in that?"

"Because if I don't... I'd lose my mind." I grinned, leaning in closer to him.

"Yeah?" He smirked, looking at my lips.

"Yeah," I grinned back at him.

In seconds he swooped in, placing his lips on mine hungrily. I smiled into the kiss, threading my fingers through his hair. 

I think I already loved this man. 

A growl ripped through his chest and I pulled back a bit confused where that came from. "What was that-"

I was cut off when there was a knock on the door. "That." he completed with an eye roll. 

"What Jordan?!" he snapped, causing me to jump.  

"Uh...your dad is here for you."

"Great," Evan mumbled looking back to me. 

"We'll continue this later." he declared, patting my lap as a signal to get up. 

A giggle escaped me as I did. "As you say, sir." I teased and he gave me a playful growl. 

"I'll show you 'sir'."

"Earth to Alara." 

I snapped out of my thoughts looking back at Evan. "Sorry," I mumbled and Evan cocked his head to the side. 

"You okay?"

"Yeah, reminded me of something a while back, anyway, how about we have dinner tonight? With the new spells done, I feel we deserve at least one peaceful night."

Evan didn't ask about the memory but nonetheless nodded. "Sounds good to me." he gave me a breathtaking smile and it reminded me how much I missed seeing that. 

"Okay then," I had to bite my lip from smiling so much and turned on my heels. 

We're having dinner together! That...that's a step forward, to say the least. 

"Hey," Evan called out, catching my wrist, jerking me back to him. 

I screeched as I fell backward onto his lap and he laughed at the sound. "Did you think I wouldn't know what you were thinking about?" he asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist. 

My heart skipped a beat. 

"You do?"

"We got interrupted that day. I was very unhappy." he joked and I snorted. 

"You about gave me a heart attack with that growl of yours." I teased. 

In response, a playful growl ripped through him as he pulled me closer and it was like I couldn't breathe. His lips were an inch from mine and I wanted nothing more to close the gap. 

"You'll always be mine, do you know that?" his husky voice asked. 

"Of course."


It didn't take much more for him to close the gap between us. Instinctively, I threaded my hands through his hair and moved to straddle him. 

A satisfied, almost purr like, growl left him. His hands gripped my hips, giving me a tight squeeze causing me to gasp. He took advantage of the gasp and deepened the kiss where we fought for dominance, which he won. 

I pulled back for air, resting my forehead against his. His eyes were the stormy grey I came to love. "I missed that." 

I snorted, sitting back some. "Me too." 

I didn't know I was biting my bottom lip until he raised his hand and his thumb tugged at my bottom lip to pull it away. 

"You look too good right now to be biting your lip. Baby steps. No need to try to get me into bed so soon. We have dinner first." he winked and I scoffed giving him a playful shove. 

"Asshole," I grumbled, fighting down my smile as I climbed off his lap. 

"You love it."

"I do, sadly."

"You hurt me." he faked and I rolled my eyes. 

"Dinner is a six." I pointed my finger at him threateningly. "Don't be late."

He gasped. "I would never." 

I laughed, walking to the door and walked out, shutting it behind me. I sat there for a minute just smiling. 

It felt good to be getting back to our old selves. I missed his wittiness and our banter. 

And the kisses, oh Goddess did I miss his kisses. 



so I was supposed to update yesterday but I had a last minute exam...BOOOOOOO

While I was writing this chapter, my friend texted me, asking for the answers (the class is online) and this was me when I saw her text, bc it was due in like an hour and the test are LONG. 

but anyways, here is your update

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but anyways, here is your update. 

I'm going to try to update another book tomorrow if I have time. 

Tethered Road or Saving Heaven? YOU PICK! COMMENT BELOW!




-they're getting back to normal! YAY!

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