Chapter 23 - The Light of a Titan

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Because of this, the Light Sisters started studying the Tears of Elune with great zeal, searching for clues and answers. They didn't know how to contact the moon goddess, and all they wanted to do was to reach her. If she was indeed the Light Titan, then she would be the true Guardian of Azeroth. All those centuries, it was no other than Elune who had kept the world safe, and the Sisters were utterly convinced of this.

They even found a few studies belonging to the very same Khadgar, one of the most powerful Mages to ever exist. He speculated that Elune created the first naaru, and only a Titan would be powerful enough to forge such powerful entities. Yes, they proved to be flawed and prone to fall into the shadows, but no one could blame Elune for her children's weakness.

Searching through Khadgar's studies, Sarah had found Archmage Wilas, who had the utmost interest in their theories about the moon goddess. The man told them he actually believed in what they had to say; he also thought that Elune was the responsible for Azeroth's safety, and after what Sargeras had done to other world-souls, it made sense that a Titan would be designated to protect a younger, vulnerable one.

Eventually, the Light Sisters were invited into the secretive Titanguard. Especially because they had told Wilas that the powers of Elune, as a Light Titan, were directly opposed to the Void and the Old Gods. For this, her blessing could prove to be vital in reverting the Curse of Flesh, one of the Archmage's main purposes. But first, Sarah and her allies would have to prove all their theories.

Their research had led them to Un'goro Crater, one of the Titan's cradles of life, where they had spotted several posts of the infamous Twilight's Hammer. The cult served the Old Gods, and the Light Sisters nor the Titanguard could allow them to thrive. It seemed some of the cultists had managed to escape from Silithus right before Sargeras impaled the world, but Sarah wasn't willing to let them live any longer.

"Let's rest for now. See if you find something useful in this camp", Titanlight commanded. "With any luck, we will get some useful supplies."

"And, what? Eat the cultists' food? Are you serious?", Elendi asked with disgust in her voice. "I say we burn everything. It's tainted with the stench of these void-lovers."

"I have to say I agree with her, Sarah", Laya uttered, while Milla nodded behind her.

"Fine. It's highly impractical, but let's do it", the human accepted. "Just don't burn everything at once. Search for clues, information, anything that seems useful."

Even though she knew that the cultists weren't fond of the Legion, she suspected they may have some knowledge about the Dark Titan's sword. The Twilight's Hammer had used Silithus as a hiding place for years, constantly at war with the Cenarion Circle. Affiliated with the Qiraji, servants of the Old Gods, they made the region one of the most dangerous places in all of Azeroth. Without one of their main strongholds, Sarah suspected that the Cult had began to move around, searching ways for regain their strength. And even though the great Dark Sword was drained of its power, it was still the greatest titanforged object in the world. Not even the Twilight's Hammer could ignore such artifact.

Not to mention the azerite. Horde and Alliance were already at each other's throats, trying to control the mineral supply lines. But it was obvious they wouldn't be the only ones interested in the magnificent Blood of the Planet. Sarah knew that, if the Cult learned how to master the azerite, they would try to corrupt it. And if the mineral was Azeroth's blood, corrupting it would only mean a faster way to turn the world-soul into a servant of the Void Lords. She couldn't allow it.

She entered a small tent and saw a wooden chest. Nothing fancy, just a medium box with no decorations. It was locked, but Sarah didn't have the patience to look for a key. She infused a dagger in Light and melted the lock, forcing the coffer open. It seemed it was just for personal belongings: a handful of linen drapes, some tools, a bone necklace, and a couple of pieces of papers, written in...

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