Chapter 23 - The Light of a Titan

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"Please! Mercy!"

It was such a pity when someone's last words were those. She made a face of contempt, and placed the tip of her spear at her victim's neck.

"Really? You know I won't spare your life. Why don't you say something else? I don't know, something more... inspiring."

"You are insane! You will never break the cult!"

"Oh, a challenge! That's way better", she approved while pushing her weapon through the cultist's throat. She saw how the night elve's eyes swelled, how he gurgled with blood, how his life escaped his body.

"Sarah, they are fleeing further into the crater!", one of her followers said to her back.

"Let them run, Laya. Nothing good awaits for them in the jungle", the woman responded with a triumphant smirk.

Her allies approached her while executing the wounded, securing every kill. No member of the Twilight's Hammer could be spared, for their mission was to cover Azeroth under a veil of darkness. And Sarah Titanlight couldn't allow such a horror. She had trained at Northshire Abbey, following the Church of the Holy Light teachings, reading the preachings of the glorious Alonsus Faol, learning the ways of Uther the Lightbringer. She had listened to what every notable Paladin and Priest had to say, from those at Stormwind to those at Stratholme. But eventually, she had found her own way: she had discovered the Light of the Titans, and she had become one with it. Thus, she had trained to harness this power and share it with others... but few had really listened to her.

Laya Sunlight was one of them. She worshiped her beloved Sunwell, be she wasn't quite fond of the Naaru. Unlike others, she didn't think those mysterious creatures were peaceful entities nor embodiments of the Light. They could become twisted servants of the Void; the Light was pure and miraculous, none of its true followers could even think of diverting from its pious path. Laya had actively hunted Shadow Priests as a clandestine activity, until Sarah found her and put an end to such crimes. The human agreed with the blood elf, but Titanlight convinced her new friend that killing the servants wouldn't stop the Void. They would have to find a way to finish the shadows once and for all.

Among the night elves, Sarah had found another strong ally, a Priestess called Elendi Moonlight. She believed her people were heading the wrong way, focused on druidism and the primal gods. Elendi was only willing to listen to Elune, the moon goddess, who shined bright with the Light and guided the mortal races through the darkest nights. Sarah met her while searching for every available knowledge of the Light, and they quickly understood each other.

The last one to join them was Milla Starlight, a nightborne who was thrilled to finally leave Suramar. She was amazed by the power of the Light, how quick and effective it was when it came to vanquish the demons. She spent hours watching Priests and Paladins, studying their moves, learning their ways, and eventually became convinced that the Light could replace and heal her mana addiction. It was Sarah who caught Milla's interest, and the nightborne was finally able to harness the Light in a way her people could only dream of.

They became really close to each other. With Sarah showing them the Light of the Titans ways, they created a sisterhood dedicated to discover the strongest and greatest secrets of this path. They had set aside any faction differences, united under the Light, spending hours discussing their future.

Eventually, it was Milla's curious and keen mind what had given them the ultimate quest. Altogether with Elendi, they came upon an interesting theory. During the Legion invasion, a Titan relic known as The Tears of Elune was found, and it was supposed to be one of the ancient Pillars of Creation. Curiously enough, the other Pillars bore Titan names: the Tidestone of Golganneth, the Hammer of Khaz'goroth, the Aegis of Aggramar and the Eye of Aman'Thul. And Elune herself wasn't supposed to be a Titan... unless, of course, she actually was. None of the Pantheon members represented the mighty force that was the Light, while the Arcane, the Elements and Nature had their own Titans. There was even a Fel Titan, the unholy Sargeras.

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